A life worth living (and dying) for!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 17:26-37
The last days before Jesus’ return are not going to be easy.
No one knows the exact day but there will be clues.
If we pay attention to the signs, we will be able to figure out where (or when) to look.
Like finding a dead body by looking for the circling vultures in the sky.
As the world begins to unravel, and people gorge themselves in hedonistic pleasure, the time is at hand.
Jesus warns His disciples not to join in their worldly pursuits.
Like Lot’s wife, don’t give in to the lure of empty, deadly treasures and pleasures.
They’re not worth it.
Pursue what matters, and you will be ready when Jesus returns.
“Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it.” (Luke 17:33)
By this Jesus means selfishly seeking your own happiness, versus giving yourself away to others in love.
Selfish living is a dead end street.
Pursue God, Jesus, God’s kingdom and God’s will, and you will be ready for when Jesus returns.
‘He is no fool who gives away what he cannot keep to take hold of what he cannot lose!’
What am I living for, what am I holding on to, what do I see as valuable in this life?
When you come to your last moments, and you are about to stand before Jesus and give an account of your life – what will the life you lived say about you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am not sure when You will come back, but I want to live in a way that matters. Help me to pursue treasures that last, and not throw my life away for things that I can’t take with me anyway.


  1. I agree with Talia. I am afraid and doubt any of the good works I have done. Always thinking I am not living right God won’t take me. I try to be a joy and blessing to others but it seems my own difficulties crop up and then I am so busy trying to survive the day that I wasted the day and hardly blessed anything.

  2. To be honest. A part of me feels scared for when Jesus does return. I wasn’t sure why really until I read this. Am I living my life the way I should be? So that when He comes He can say “Well done”. Not so much. I cling onto more materialistic things that will just fade away, when I should be doing what really matters. Trying to seek a life like His by picking up the cross.

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