An attitude of gratitude

SCRIPTURE: Luke 17:11-19
Entitlement can breed ingratitude.
We live in a country where rights matter more than responsibilities.
We expect that we are owed some things, and are grumpy when we don’t get them.
When we do, we assume that’s just the way it’s supposed to be, and are not grateful.
The Jews were a chosen people – chosen not for privilege but for responsibility.
But as a nation they saw ‘election’ (being chosen by God) as a right, a privilege.
Something that set them apart from other nations, not an calling TO and FOR the nations.
They looked down on the unholy Samaritans, the not-chosen of God.
So when Jesus heals these lepers, and only the Samaritan comes back thankful, Jesus is troubled.
This still happens; Christians focus more on being blessed than being a blessing.
We savour the blessings, not realizing and appreciating how blessed we really are… and why.
Ungrateful for what we have, and grumpy when we don’t get it.
Am I really aware of HOW blessed I am, of how much God has done and is doing for me?
Am I really aware of WHY I am blessed, of how God has blessed me to be a blessing.
To bless God, and to bless others, this is the real evidence of the faith God seeks.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I need an attitude of gratitude that blesses You, and blesses others.


  1. I struggle with teaching my son this very thing when we do live in such an entitlement/me age. Its hard to give your kids the things in life you didn’t have growing up but still teach them the values. Lately I find God telling me to start withdrawing from such luxuries (eating out a lot, always feeling like I have to spend. $$ on taking my son places his friends have gone, etc.) and start living more simple. Please pray for strength because we both know consistency and tough love are NOT my strengths 🙂

  2. Observation/Application
    The lepers were not a part of the village but lived in a separate community. Unclean. And the obeyed the Master’s command to show themselves to the priests because it was they who could say they were clan and be let back into the community. All the lepers knew the Healer and follow His commands in faith. And yet –
    only one thanked the Giver of the gift.
    All too often God’s people also separate themselves for the ‘community’ as a special people specially selected with God’s blessing. In a sense they thought themselves better than others. However all of God’s people must recognize the Giver of the good gifts and give thanks. The attitude of gratitude with altitude comes from the heart. Praise Him from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him for the grace received to be alive forevermore. The gift is not a right of passage but the gift must establish an inner relationship – a heart relationship with the Giver of all gifts.

    Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
    Praise God the Father who’s the source;
    Praise God the Son who is the course;
    Praise God the Spirit who’s the flow;
    Praise God, our portion here below!

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