The delight of our duty

SCRIPTURE: Luke 17:7-10
Jesus is reminding us where we stand in relation to God.
God is God, and it is not special for Him that we love and serve Him.
It is His due, as our creator and sustainer and father and forgiver.
When we love God, serve God, obey God, depend on God… we have only done our duty.
In our minds, we still think of ourselves at the centre, and God as an extra.
We do God a favour – in our minds – when we love and serve Him.
In fact, we do ourselves a favour, for we were made to love and serve God.
We are the most fully alive, the most happy, the most true to our nature and design, when we love and serve God.
This is not mean of God, it is just plain reality.
We look at duty from a self-serving focus, we see what God asks of us as an imposition.
But Jesus reminds us that it is who we are, and why we are here, and what is in our best interest.
Love God and love people is not an unfair burden, it is an unlimited blessing.
And as we love and serve God, the amazing thing is that He does say…
‘Come along now and sit down to eat’!
And as we sit with Him, He does not demand ‘wash my feet’ but He gets on His knees and washes our feet.
The One we serve is the greatest servant of all.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are not a harsh master. In fact You do invited us so sit and eat with You. Help me to see my duty as my greatest honour, my delight and my only hope for happiness and blessing.

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    The servant is multitasking – doing what must be done. After all, he is a servant and must do as the master says. It is his duty/obligation. And he doesn’t get a pat on the back because it is elected to do what he has done. He is the dutiful servant. Serving should bring joy by keeping the master pleased.

    As the servant works hard for the Lord , we too should be working hard for the Lord. We are His servants doing what is expected and there is no end to that. That is our duty as His servants in His garden/creation all of our days and at all times. We are His servants and our pleasure to serve Him should give us great joy. Dutiful service. Doing what we were created to do.

    Love God.
    Love others.

    Make me a servant, humble and meek
    Lord, let me lift up, those who are weak.
    And may the pray’r of my heart always be;
    Make me a servant, make me a servant,
    Make me a servant, today.

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