reaping what we sow

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 29
What goes around, comes around. Those who live by deception are caught by deception. Jacob the trickster is tricked! Paul speaks about reaping what we sow (Galatians 6:7-10). This story shows that even though our hope is in the Lord, His presence and purpose with us, that our actions have consequences, and God will work through our choices and their consequences to accomplish His purpose. He doesn’t take them away, He turns them around, He uses them. Here we have God humbling Jacob, a process that takes time for all of us.

Aside from the cultural practices of arranged marriages and polygamy, we see God at work. When Jacob does not love Leah (which he ought to have done), God blesses her with children. It is always God’s way to bless the underdog. Jacob should have known this, as the second-born son that God chose to bless. God is working through these circumstances just as much as He worked through the dream at Bethel. He was trying to get Jacob’s attention, but Jacob did not realize it. As we shall see, his tendency to have favourites will cause more problems in his family life in the future.

Like Jacob, I am God’s chosen servant, blessed to be a blessing. When I act in a Godlike way (honesty, integrity, love, compassion, humility, etc.) then the blessing of God flows through me easily. But when I act in an un-Godlike way, I hinder (but not prevent) the flow of God’s blessing. God will work through us, either with us or despite us. But from our perspective, its much better when we work with Him, like Him, for Him.

My context is not Haran or Beersheba, but Ajax. My culture is very different from Jacob’s. But every day I face similar challenges and choices, and I must decide to respond in a Godlike way. My choices will have consequences.

Lord, thank You that You do not give up on me. Thank You for working with me and despite me. And thank You for trying to get my attention through the circumstances of my life. Help me to choose You, and Your way!

One Comment

  1. LORD, Jacob was drawn by Rachel’s looks and overlooked Leah, the first born. LORD forgive me when I look at things from worldly perspective rather than through Your eyes of truth.

    Jacob didn’t hesitate to deceive his brother Esau and his Father yet is not so pleased when he himself is deceived. LORD, grant me compassion, integrity and a heart for justice in all circumstances. How often do we overlook things if it will work to our advantage or to bless ourselves? When choices we have made come back at us to teach us a lesson, give us hearts of courage to learn from our mistakes, to be a part of righting the wrong. Jacob had been wronged but he held to his word just the same. How often is our human response to seek revenge for the way we have been wronged.

    LORD, how hurt Leah must have felt yet she obviously experienced Your hand upon her life. We see this in the names that she gives to her sons. LORD, we are reminded in Leah’s testimony that regardless of the situations we may find ourselves in You are with us always. May I look to You, not the ‘problem’ that I am facing. Help me to keep my eyes on what You are doing when things just aren’t working out as I had hoped. May I always trust that You are working out Your purposes.

    LORD, I praise You! I thank You for being at work in all things! LORD, give me eyes to see Your fingerprints, a heart to experience Your amazing love and grace, a mind to know You as LORD over heaven and earth, a faith to believe in the impossible. LORD change my name…… Be Thou my vision, the LORD of my life…… Thou art worthy! How great You are!

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