Turn your vote into a prayer

We have an election for Ontario provincial government tomorrow.
Many people are expressing discouragement, frustration, and uncertainty about how to vote.
I also have little confidence in any of the parties or their leaders.
Each one makes bold promises, each one dreams big dreams.
But we’ve been there before, year after year we end up disappointed.
In fairness, I think their hands are tied, they are hindered by circumstances beyond their control, and by human nature (which always seems to interfere).
Many people will not vote (advance polls have reported lower turnout already).
Some people are contemplating protest votes, spoiled ballots, or turning in their ballots unmarked.

Does voting matter, does it make a difference, can we really expect anything better this time?
As I’ve prayed about this, I am getting the sense that I should turn my vote into a prayer.
Each party has something in their platform that is good, whether financial stewardship or social justice or concern for the poor or cleaning up corruption or investing in jobs or concern for the environment.
And when discerning the times, we may feel compelled to focus on one or more of these.
Prayerfully choose your social concern(s), prayerfully select the party that best reflects those concerns.
Commit yourself to addressing these concerns (1) with your prayers (2) with your actions (3) with your vote.
Don’t just expect the government to do it, and don’t just hope that God will do it.
Make these concerns YOUR concerns, and express them through your prayers, your actions and your vote.
Even if your party doesn’t win, you and God will still be working toward those causes.
Voting alone cannot make a difference, but voting with your prayer and your life and your ballot can – no matter who ends up in government.
Identify the social concerns that God is laying on your heart; select the party that best reflects those concerns; pray to God regarding those concerns; commit to God to doing what you can regarding those concerns; and vote with your life and your ballot towards those concerns. Turn your vote into a prayer.

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