God wants a full house!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:15-24
“I tell you, not one of those who were invited will get a taste of my banquet.” (Luke 14:24)
If anyone misses out on the kingdom feast, it won’t be because they weren’t invited.
In the context, the Jews are the ones who are making excuses, who are missing out.
Those who were outsiders to the Jews (poor, blind, sinners, tax collectors, prostitutes, gentiles) will be welcomed as insiders, while many of the Jews will not enjoy the feast.
But remember, they were invited too!!!!
I sincerely believe that no one will miss out on God’s eternal blessing because they weren’t invited.
God’s invitation is sent out equally to all, but some will not accept it.
But what about those who have not heard the gospel, will they be invited too?
Somehow, in some way, I believe YES, they too will have an opportunity to accept or reject the invitation.
God’s invitation to the ‘outsiders’ is not a reluctant ‘plan B’ because the Jews made excuses.
It was always God’s plan to invite them through Abraham’s descendants. (Genesis 12:1-2)
But when the Jews refused to share the invitation, God bypassed them to get the word out.
God will do the same through us, or despite us.
If He can’t get the invitation our through us, He will bypass us to get the word out.
He will get His invitation out, so that His house will be full.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You want everyone to enjoy the blessing of Your eternal kingdom. May my heart be as eager to share this blessing with others as Your is – that Your house may be full!

One Comment

  1. Observation/Application
    So what’s your/mine excuse?
    Ever had an invitation and didn’t have the desire to go? So an excuse was made and said, ‘I can not come.’
    So too it is with the Lord. Christ died for all but all have not received the invitation. We have our own agenda and so we make excuses that we can not come. We are too busy doing our own thing, to busy with our own agenda, too self centred that we have no time for others whether it be business, possessions, family. The invitation is for all for the Spirit and the Bride say come.
    Going into the streets and byways once again show that the invitation of God’s grace is for all.
    I come.

    I cannot come.
    I cannot come to the banquet,
    Don’t trouble me now.
    I have married a wife,
    I have bought me a cow.
    I have fields and commitments
    That cost a pretty sum,
    Pray, hold me excused,
    I cannot come.

    Verse 1
    A certain man held a feast
    On his fine estate in town,
    He laid a festive table,
    And wore a wedding gown.
    He sent invitations
    To his neighbors far and wide,
    But when the meal was ready
    Each of them replied…..
    Verse 2
    The master rose up in anger,
    Called his servants by name, said:
    “Go into the town,
    Fetch the blind and the lame,
    Fetch the peasant and the pauper
    For this I have willed,
    My banquet must be crowed,
    And my table must be filled.”
    Verse 3
    When all the poor had assembled,
    There was still room to spare,
    So the master demanded:
    “Go search ev’rywhere,
    To the highways and the byways
    And force them to come in,
    My table must be filled before the banquet can begin.
    Verse 4
    Now God has written a lesson
    For the rest of mankind;
    If we’re slow in responding,
    He may leave us behind
    He’s preparing a banquet for that
    Great and glorious day,
    When the Lord and Master callus,
    Be certain not to say….
    I cannot come.
    I cannot come to the banquet,
    Don’t trouble me now.
    I have married a wife,
    I have bought me a cow.
    I have fields and commitments
    That cost a pretty sum,
    Pray, hold me excused,
    I cannot come.

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