Hopeless prayer?

When I grew up, Heman was the master of the universe.
But this Heman is not doing so well: overwhelmed with troubles, like one without strength!
This is the desperate cry of someone who is depressed, defeated.
It is the only Psalm (that I am aware of) that does not end in hope.
“Darkness is my closest friend.” (Psalm 88:18)
God inspires this desperate prayer of this depressed person.
Feeling depressed is not a sin, and it is not a sign of being rejected by God (though it feels like it).
As defeated and negative as he is, he still reaches out to God.
But knowing that scripture is God-breathed, it is God helping him reach out.
In other words, God is in this valley with Heman, and He will bring him out of it.
Do you feel like there is no way out?
Do you feel like darkness is your closest friend?
Know that Jesus went into the deepest, darkest place to find you, to be with you, and to lead you out.
It may take a while, but Jesus the Master of the Universe will not let you down!
He is your closest friend, whether you feel it or not.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Jesus, master of the universe, remind me that You are my closest friend, even when I am in the dark. Inspire me to pray even hopeless prayers like Heman, because hopeless prayer is still better than no prayer.

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