Ready to report to the Master?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 12:41-48
In response to Peter’s question, Jesus points to His disciples.
The disciples are the ‘managers’ He has entrusted His kingdom business to.
The ones that He called to ‘follow’, He also told them to ‘go’.
Their task was to ‘feed them’ the good news in word and deed.
But since His ascension, His disciples seem to have forgotten their task.
The church (the body of disciples) has become self-serving, abusive, blinded with wealth and comfort.
And when the Master returns, how will He respond?
As disciples, we have been entrusted much – freely we have received, freely we must give!
The church has become so misguided that generations are being raised without even knowing better, it’s the only way of church they know.
Jesus suggests that some will be judged less harshly than others (I think of the simple, uneducated masses under the influence of the clergy, assuming that they were in charge and knew what they were doing).
But in the end, all of us have been left for a purpose, and that is the purpose by which we will be judged.
Do you know why you are here, and are you prepared to report to the Master when He comes?
Do I, am I?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I do know better, I have been entrusted much, I have plenty of opportunity to fulfill my task. Thank You for trusting me, may I be faithful with that trust!


  1. To whom much is given, much will be expected. I find it interesting that the managers that are put in charge, are referred to as servants in the next line. I think that this is the key thing for me to remember in these verses. Much has been given to me, and it is easy to start to think like a manager, with the entitlements that go along with that. I guess I should have aimed to become a CEO of a major corporation, as the average salary was 10 million dollars last year. Oh well, I will need to serve where I am. And if I keep in mind that I am here to serve others, that is what is expected of me. When I take advantage of others, then I am not serving them, I am only thinking of myself. By putting others first, with a servant attitude, God will be glorified. Jesus came as the king, but acted as a servant. I need to make him my model.

    I find the rest of the verses harder to grasp. There is a lot of talk of punishment, lashing, etc. I have always been of the persuasion that I would like to follow Jesus out of awe for his grace and mercy and love, rather than fear of His need for perfection, and justice, and punishment. I do not want to live my life in fear, and I thank God that his grace is sufficient for me.

  2. Observations/Application
    I am not my own but belong to my faithful Saviour. The servant, me, has been put in charge by God. God has given the resources to be used while He is gone and I need to use the gifts given for His purposes – not my selfish desires – because the gifts are the Master’s and not mine. I am in charge to use the gifts for His purpose. He has freely given and I must do the same. I must do the Master’s will. That is my purpose. I am His and He is mine.

    Whatever my hand finds to do I need to do with all my might because it is the Lord God I am serving. ‘ Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.’

    And so this day is the Lord’s day and I will serve Him. It is my prayer that others may see Him in me as I continue to live for Jesus.

    God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name,
    I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name,
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His love as He told me to.

    He said, Freely, freely you have received;
    Freely, freely give.
    Go in my name and because you believe,
    Others will know that I live.”

    All power is given in Jesus’ name,
    In earth and heaven, in Jesus’ name;
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His power as He told me to.


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