a role model for trusting God

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 26
Is there a pattern here or what? Isaac has been shaped by his father on earth, but needs to be shaped by his Father in heaven. God warns him not to go to Egypt, like his father did when there was an earlier famine. God will take care of him, and will give him this land, and will bless him. But Isaac still needs to learn this, and so he makes the same mistake as his dad did, lying about his wife for his own protection. It seems that in his dealings with Abimelech after this wife-episode, Isaac acts with integrity.

Lying about wives must have been a common thing in the day. We should appreciate how risky it was for Isaac, living as a stranger in the land, waiting for the day when the land will be his. There were no police, no courts, no human rights (on paper, anyway). Crime and violence were normal. Wife and child-stealing, as well as war and murder and theft, were par for the course. Isaac had reason to fear… but he also had reason for confidence.

What is ultimately at stake in this story is whether Isaac (or us, for that matter) will trust God’s promise, even in times of famine, danger or persecution. Will we trust God in those difficult times? God wants to teach Isaac what He taught his father, that God is reliable and good, He will keep His promises.

God is shaping Isaac to shape his children. As Isaac was like his father in the not-so-good qualities, the goal is to bring out our best qualities (trust in God, integrity, honesty, etc.) so that we can shape these qualities in our children. Our prayer should be like a song I once heard, of a father praying, ‘Lord I want to be just like You, cause he (his son) wants to be just like me!’

Do our lives show that we trust God? Are we scheming to succeed, or trusting and obeying, and leaving the success part to God.

Lord, there are ways that I still scheme, to try to gain happiness or success or security in my own way. Open my eyes and help me to trust You.


  1. Like father, like son …

    v3-5: God speaks to Isaac and affirms his covenant promise to him just as he did with Abraham

    v6: Isaac obeys God to live in Gerar … just like Abraham to obey without objection

    v7: Isaac lies about Rebekah being his sister (this time it is a lie, she actually is his second cousin … stretching it there buddy) … just like Abraham

    v31: Isaac makes peaceful agreement with Abimelech to live in the land … just like Abraham (wow, Abimelech is still alive here?)

    v12: God prospers and blesses Isaac, just like Abraham

  2. LORD, Isaac learned so much from his Father Abraham. Did he also learn to introduce his wife as his sister in fear of his own life as Abraham did? So much history in this family of God’s incredible protection and provision and yet once again, fear causes doubt, uncertainty and lack of trust. Forgive me LORD for the times in my life when I allow fear to rise up and cause me not to trust You to take care of everything. Protect my children from witnessing such fear over faith. Help me to teach them Your ways, to learn from my mistakes so that they do not repeat them.

    LORD, again, You reveal the blessings of obedience to You. Help me LORD to stand strong in You. To have the courage to trust You completely as You lead me through this life.

    LORD these scriptures reveal the ‘jealousy’ that may rise up against us because of Your hand upon our lives. Jealousy divides and destroys! How often LORD have I allowed myself to become jealous or envious of others? LORD, may I always be able to rejoice and give thanks for Your hand upon the lives of others so that there is no room for jealousy to take root in my heart.

    LORD, as we see Isaac’s godly response to those whom were jealous of him, may I too always be a peace keeper for Your Kingdom purposes. Forgive me for the times I have allowed my response to be out of anger or frustration. Grant me Your ongoing patience and understanding during such times when I face adversity. Your will be done LORD!

    LORD, when You speak to Isaac, You introduce Yourself as “The God of your Father, Abraham”. Will my children know You as the God of their parents? Will they know the blessings and promises of You just as Isaac did because of his Father’s relationship with You. (“I will do this because of My promise to Abraham”) LORD, may my life with You be such that my children and my children’s children will be blessed and know Your promises because of it.

    LORD, our churches and Christian communities are filled with divisions. May it be our prayer that just as those whom were divided against Isaac came to Isaac to make peace that where there is conflict in our lives, we will make every effort to attempt peace with those whom it is needed to make peace with so that we may find favour in You as we respond with compassion, understanding, mercy and grace. Grant us patience LORD to meet challenges and trials in our lives, trusting You to work through all things. Fill me with Your love so that my life might be a living testimony to all that You are. To You be all the glory, honour and praise.

  3. How do I hear the Lord speaking to me today? God appeared to Isaac and told him what to do. Stay. Move. These are my promises because Abraham was faithful. And yet in his fellowship with the Lord he was fearful of the land in which he lived. I do not really know what the times were like, but I do know, there are times I too am like Isaac. God is my Refuge and Tower of Strength but I still make the wrong choices and depend on my own power to carry me through. Not Your will, but mine be done. Lord, may the words of my mouth not be lip service but the words of my heart. Help me to follow You in all I do and say.

    God’s people were to be a separate people. Yet Isaac’s children married into the culture around them. I too need to continue to be an influence upon my family that they walk in the Lord’s way and not of the world. Isaac was a patriarch – setting the tone of family life. I too need to continue to tell the story of God’s faithfulness so that the ‘family’ will continue to walk with their God and hear Him speaking – this is the Way – Walk in it.

    Lord, speak to me that I may speak
    In living echoes of Thy tone;
    As Thou has sought, so let me seek
    Thine erring children lost and lone.

    O lead me, Lord, that I may lead
    The wandering and the wavering feet;
    O feed me, Lord, that I may feed
    Thy hungering ones with manna sweet.

    O strengthen me, that while I stand
    Firm on the rock, and strong in Thee,
    I may stretch out a loving hand
    To wrestlers with the troubled sea.

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