God of surprises

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 25
It seems that God likes surprises – He seems to prefer going against normal expectations. He takes Abram, a nobody from somewhere else, and plants him as a stranger in Canaan, with the promise that one day he will have the land and a big family. Then He waits forever and ever and ever to give them a child. God bypasses Abraham’s firstborn son (Ishmael) and goes with the miracle child (Isaac). Now God is about to bypass the strong, manly Esau, the legitimate firstborn son who according to custom would be Isaac’s primary heir, and chooses the weak mamma’s boy Jacob.

We serve a God who loves to surprise us, to do things differently than we plan or expect. Where would we expect God to show up on earth, in a stable? How would we expect God to reveal Himself to His people, on a cross? What kind of people would we expect God to surround Himself with on earth – sinners, traitors, murderers, shepherds, fishermen, zealots? What kind of group would we expect God to entrust His whole mission project to, second class citizens and societal rejects?

God takes a shifty son (Jacob, the heel puller, the shyster) who is not mighty or manly in the worldly sense, and builds His kingdom plans on Him. Of course, this doesn’t mean that God ignores his flaws. God takes him (and us) as we are, but He does not leave us that way. God humbles everyone that joins Him in His mission, no matter how high or low they may be. As we will see in future stories about Jacob, he will have to be humbled.

God repeatedly makes the point that it is not our strengths that make us so useful to Him, but our humility. He does not need our greatness so much as our humble gratitude. He can do more with a widow’s two pennies than all the big money that the Pharisees contribute.

Stop thinking that God can’t use ‘little ole you’. Stop measuring life and ministry by worldly terms (how big, how much, how well-known). God is in the business of using the unexpected, of surprising us all.

Lord, I am caught up in worldly thinking, that bigger or more or first is better. Show me my weakness, make me humble and grateful, and use whatever ‘little’ I’ve got to surprise me and the world!


  1. LORD, thank You for being a God of surprises! Thank You for doing so much more than we can humanly imagine. Thank You that You are not predictable! Thank You that every day is a new adventure with You!

    Thank You LORD that we can go to You with every detail of our lives, our needs, our wants / desires just like Isaac reveals in their desire to have children. It is not for us to question why? How often LORD I get consumed with the whys rather than just asking / laying my requests before You and waiting on You to answer, to surprise me.

    Thank You LORD for the examples in Your scripture that You can and do use any person to fulfill Your good and perfect plans and purposes. Thank You LORD that You use us despite our imperfectness, our mistakes, our weaknesses. LORD, may I be reminded of this truth when I believe that I have nothing to offer You, that You couldn’t possibly use me. LORD, forgive me for the times when I doubt what You can really do!

    Esau got caught up in the moment and without thought or regard to the results of his hasty decision, chose immediate satisfaction/ gratification over the long term. God, how often do we as believers get caught up in the moment just like Esau? LORD, thank You for reminding me again that every decision, every choice I make needs to be presented to You so that I do not get caught up in the moment and full of regret.

    Jacob could not have deceived Esau if Esau had just stopped, thought about the moment and weighed the consequences with You. Give us wisdom LORD.

    LORD, we are also reminded that You knew before Jacob was even born (the battle in the womb) that he would be a deceiver and that You would use him any way for Your plans and purposes. LORD, You already know every detail of my life -past, present and future and yet, Your hand is upon me. Thank You LORD for the many surprises in my life yet to come. Thank You LORD that You are not done with me yet. Thank You LORD that You can and do -so much more than I am able to comprehend. Thank You LORD for turning darkness into light! By Your Spirit power, help me LORD to shine bright for You today.

  2. The influence from one generation to another never stops. Father Abraham gave gifts to the wifes of his sons’ concubines. Better yet was that both boys were together when Abraham died, We never know what influence we have upon our children and children’s children. It was said of Ishmael’s sons that they lived in hostility toward eachother. What a heartache for parents to see their family go the world’s ways.

    Once again we see God’s children coming to Him in prayer. Isaac, because his wife was barren and Rebekah because she wondered about all the commotion within her womb. In all of my life I need to take all things to the Lord in prayer. As Adam or Abrahan walked with God daily, so must I.

    The gifts of God are His purposes. Even the children entrusted to us. May I never favour one of my children over another and so divide my family. No partiality. I need to teach them to walk with their God.

    Lord, help me in my walk to talk with You and to use the gifts given in Your service.

    O for a closer walk with God,
    A calm and heavenly frame,
    A light to shine upon the road
    That leads me to the Lamb!

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