Reflecting the Son

SCRIPTURE: Luke 11:33-36
There is a saying, ‘you are what you eat’; Jesus here says ‘you are what you look at!’
The light here symbolizes the goodness of God, the eye symbolizes the focus of our heart.
Like the moon, we do not generate light, we only reflect it… when we see the sun’s face.
But if something gets in the way (the earth), it casts it’s shadow on our hearts and lives.
Jesus affirms that we were made to glow with the goodness of God (His image-bearers).
But our ‘eyes’ have become unhealthy, we’ve looked away from the Source of Light.
And our whole lives (‘bodies’) have become dark, and that darkness affects everyone.
I hear God challenging me to make sure my focus is on Him through my whole day.
Be aware of His presence, rely on His strength, imitate His character, thank Him for His blessings.
As we do this through each day, our lives will start to shine, and others will notice.
What is getting in my way from reflecting the light of the Son?
What is the focus of my ‘eye’ today, is it healthy or unhealthy?
Will what I am focusing on cause me to glow with God, or only add to the shadow?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for giving me something positive and hopeful to focus on. Help me not to let anything cast a shadow in my life, to keep me from reflecting You to others.

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