How do we respond?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 11:29-32
When someone comes to town speaking for God, advocating love and compassion, condemning injustice, preaching and practicing mercy, how do the towns people respond.
The message speaks for itself, regardless of who is speaking.
When Jonah the Jew went to Nineveh to condemn their immorality and injustice and warn them of God’s judgment, they repented because the message convicted them, not because they respected him as Jew (the Jews were a conquered nation, slaves to the Assyrians).
And when the Queen of Ethiopia heard about a wise king in far off Israel, she travelled a great distance just to listen to what he had to say because what he said was wise.
Jesus rebukes the crowds because they weren’t listening to what He said, they just wanted proof.
The message should speak for itself, and Jesus’ life and practices were proof enough.
But if people do not want to be challenged, if they do not want to change, they will resist.
And one day, when they stand before the Judge, their stubborn hearts will be exposed.
Regardless of what you believe about Jesus, listen to the heart of what He says, and notice the shape of how He lived – and died – and let that message alone convict you.
Jesus came to restore God’s creation kingdom, and to restore us to it as well, and the full life it represents.
Jesus is still coming to us today, advocating love and compassion, condemning injustice, preaching and practicing mercy… how do we respond?
** NOTE ** The right response is not just believing, it’s believing and following Him. Faith without works is dead.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You are the epitome of love, compassion, justice, mercy. I embrace You for these, and with Your help I choose to join with You in living the kingdom life.

One Comment

  1. I too have a hard time believing things, just because someone tells me that it is so. I tend to have a little bit of contrarian blood in me. So when people, even masses of people, create a religion, and close out all other points of view, I am not totally convinced. Surely not everything I was taught is correct, and the only way to think of things. Surely the interpretation of Scripture changes according to the circumstances in which one finds oneself. And so I too ask for a sign. Please show me that I am correct. Please show me that you are real.

    I get my confidence by things that happen around me. A kind word – someone who notices that I am smiling and happy, or a great response to the anointing of oil, all are small signs to me of God’s goodness and faithfulness to me.

    I pray that I will remain faithful, with and without these signs. I pray that I can be used by God to be a blessing and perhaps a sign to others.

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