dynamic community of Jesus-followers

I recently read a book called “It: How Churches and Leaders Can Get It and Keep It” by Craig Groeschel. Craig attempts to describe that “something” that dynamic churches have, and discovers that while we cannot define it or package it in a program, there are important qualities found among those who have it. While reading Craig’s list of important qualities, I was led to write down my own list.

It seems to me that for us to be a dynamic community of Jesus-followers, we ought to reflect the following qualities in increasing measure, both individually and collectively:

  1. A deep awareness of our need for Jesus. When I know that I am a sinner, in desperate need of God’s forgiveness and help, I cling to Jesus as my Saviour and Lord. This knowledge humbles me and keeps me from being judgmental or critical of others.
  2. A deep desire to be more like Jesus. Knowing how serious sin is, we look to Jesus as our model for healthy, holy living. We admire what He stands for and how He lives the truth and love of God. We intentionally spend time with Him through prayer and Bible-reading so that we can become more like Him.
  3. A passionate commitment to Jesus and His kingdom. We have heard His call and we are determined to join Him in establishing God’s order on earth. We are missionaries, ambassadors, partners with Jesus in telling and showing His way to life, love and joy. Each one of us is dedicated to investing our lives for this cause!
  4. A passionate concern for those who do not know Jesus. Because we personally know the grip of sin in our own lives, we are painfully aware of the many people all around us who are trapped in sin and lost in its devastation. We do not look down on others in judgment, we look out to them as our brothers and sisters who also desperately need Jesus, like us.
  5. A passionate determination to demonstrate the love of Jesus. Words are not enough, in fact there is too much talking and not enough doing. Following Jesus’ example, we are committed to serving people where they are, however we can. In small and big ways we will care, share, encourage and assist whoever God puts in our path, imitating His generous grace shown to us.

There may be more qualities we could add to this list, but certainly these are essential. Think about them, compare your own heart and life to them. Are these qualities that others would notice in you?

I am convinced that if we demonstrated these qualities in increasing measure, we would become a dynamic community of Jesus-followers. It wouldn’t matter what programs we did or didn’t have, whether we owned a church-building or not, or whether we had 10, 100 or 1000 members – these qualities would be an altar to which God would send His fire, and ignite our efforts to serve Him and bless others.

Will crossroads become this community? Will you become this kind of Jesus-follower? Will I?

One Comment

  1. I think if everyone was passionate about this list we would definately be a dynamic community of Jesus followers. Also that we dont do anything without God’s guidance first. Spend time in prayer and listen for God’s guidance. Then – let go and let God. Its His church. If we do our part and are passionate about the things on this list then He will do His part and we dont need to worry.

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