Get in the game!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 11:14-23
Jesus was healing, helping, blessing, inspiring, accepting, forgiving… and they accused Him of working for Satan!?
Jesus main point here is that He – and God, and the love of God – is greater in power than evil.
And God’s kingdom reality – goodness, love, life, healing, joy – is at hand, and will triumph over evil.
Who can be against the things that Jesus did, unless their own hearts are more evil than good?
“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Luke 11:23)
This is the line that jumps out at me; Jesus is asking me whether I’m with Him or not.
This is the crucial life question we all face, and make, every day.
Are we joining with Jesus in His battle against evil, overcoming evil with good?
These critics were like bleacher critics, sitting on the sidelines, grumbling about the players.
It’s one thing to watch the game, it’s another to play.
To believe that Jesus has defeated evil and will restore God’s kingdom goodness is not enough.
We need to join Him in the game, to gather with Him.
Doing nothing is as bad as doing evil, it puts us on the side of Satan.
Get in the game, join Jesus in overcoming evil with goodness, love, generosity, forgiveness, self-sacrifice.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, it’s not rocket science. Your goodness to me has changed my life. Now You want me to join with You in changing other peoples lives with goodness. Help me to take the opportunities today to share Your kingdom goodness.

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