1. What I sensed God was telling me from this passage was the need for humility. vs 20 “However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” It is an amazing experience to see and feel the power of Jesus and his name. It must have been incredible for the disciples to be able to do these things in the name of God. It is so easy though to begin to think that maybe we have had something to do with this. I hear God saying to me that I need to be humble, remember that he is the one who is in control and that everything is under his control. It is not by miraculous works or signs that we are saved but we are saved because Jesus died for our sins and wrote our names in the book of life. That is worth rejoicing for!!

  2. Thanks Janelle, I’ve had similar experiences where the passage speaks to a very specific situation that I am going to. It happens so often I know it is not coincidence, it is a God-incident!

  3. It’s interesting how different parts of this Scripture will speak to different people, but it’s also interesting how sometimes you read a Scripture and it is overwhelmingly relevant, that you just can’t help but smile. The first thing I noted in this passage was in verse 19, where Jesus says to the people “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you”
    Just last night I went for a walk with friends at night to a waterfall, and a few of us were getting a little freaked out, thinking we saw things in the woods. Immediately my friends response was: “There is so much power in the name of Jesus, nothing can hurt us”. Knowing that God has given us the authority to refuse Satan access to our fears and thoughts is powerful, because so often we think that this is outside of our realm, or something only really wise people or even only God is capable of.
    That’s why it’s interesting the relevance of the next part of the passage: “At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, ‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.'”(v.21)
    Praise God that even the little children and average people like myself can know this promise, and be ‘full of joy through the Holy Spirit’ because of it!

  4. Not sure what God is saying to me yet, but one thing that jumps out at me is how Jesus is full of joy through the Holy Spirit – even though the cross hasn’t happened, even though the disciples still don’t really get what He is about, even though there is still so much suffering and hardship in the world, even though the devil seems to have so much power still…
    He has deep deep joy because He knows, He sees, He feels (through the Spirit) the ultimate truth that God is God, Satan is defeated, the kingdom is coming, people are being rescued, and good WILL triumph over evil.
    I can be full of joy through the Holy Spirit too!

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