I am sending you!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 10:1-7
Jesus gives instructions to more of His missionaries (first the 12, now the 72).
The critical line is ‘I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.’
Therefore be careful: travel light, be cautious with strangers on the road, be polite to your hosts, etc.
Stay focused on the mission, stay true to the message, be good ambassadors of Jesus!
I think we need to remind ourselves that this applies to us too, everyday, wherever we go.
Paul echoes these instructions in this way: “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” (Colossians 4:5-6)
Because the Enemy wants to stop us, we need to be on guard for the kinds of things that undermine our success.
Wherever you go today is your mission field: be careful, but be confident too!
More important than the words ‘like lambs among wolves’ are the first words ‘I am sending you.’
If He is sending me, I can be confident; He is with me to the very end (Matthew 28:20).
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, my mission is to show and share Your love and grace. You’ve sent me to Ajax to do this, especially to Falby Court. Help me to see the ways the Enemy is trying to distract and discourage me, and help me to press on confident in You!


  1. I read this differently I do see him telling us not to waste our time with people that clearly not teady to be saved, just bless them anyways. This one I think also is just sending us in this corrupt world to find those honest and worthy so that when he arrives we have started what he will finish.

  2. Someone commented to me that what went through their mind when they read this was, ‘you’ve got to know when to hold them, and know when to fold them!’ So true, to be aware of our situation enough to know when our message will be received or not, and not to push it if we’re not welcome.
    I’ve had visits with people before where the body language was so obvious that it was good not to stay. Though I cheated a little, I would still offer them my peace, even if they didn’t want it.

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