No turning back, no turning back!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:57-62
Jesus is not saying NO; He is reminding those who want to follow what it means.
Luke ties three separate incidents together to make a point.
To follow Jesus is not just to believe in Him, it is to join Him.
It involves commitment, focus, sacrifice, perseverance, hardship.
If it was just for a walk in the park, then these warnings would not be needed.
But joining a task force on a mission into enemy territory is not a walk in the park.
The kingdom of God is opposed to the dominion of darkness.
It will not be easy, and the Enemy will do what he can do distract, discourage, defeat you.
Like the battle going on in my mind right now, it’s warfare.
If I’m serious about following Him, then I need to fight the Enemy’s tactics.
I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, very timely. At a moment when I am experiencing the heat of battle, You remind me of my decision to follow You. Despite the challenges, I will still follow Jesus. No turning back!


  1. PN Homework

    Monday Luke 9 57-62

    I feel like God is saying “I asked you to follow me” and there is always a BUT! We are always saying if only this was done or that was over but GOD knows whats going on and we are to just trust in him and follow. Those circumstances (dying father, saying goodbyes) these things don’t change our future outcomes however following Jesus is our future.

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