1. Open wide your mouth and I will fill it. Currently we have no meat in freezer and our fridge is empty of milk, bread, lunch stuff for son at school. Its ironic because generally I have God’s hand over my mouth sushing me. Lol!

  2. I hear God urging me to see Him in the midst of what I am currently going through — a reminder of who He is and to sing for joy and shout aloud. Its so easy to sing for joy when things are perfect. Not as easy to do when things are a mess, but it is an experience of freedom to sing for joy regardless what is going on.

  3. Thanks Paul. You made me think of another passage, where Jesus weeps over Jerusalem: ““Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.” (Matthew 23:37). God through Jesus is reaching out to us, but we resist, we refuse… how sad. In this context you hear the painful appeal of God and Jesus, ‘Come to me all who are weary and I’ll give you rest.’ God has way more in mind for us that we presently seem to realize or enjoy. We’re missing out. “Wake up and receive the best.”

  4. Thanks Claptrap, I had a similar thought:
    “God has done so much for us, but is frustrated by our response!”
    That is the nice way of putting it. Actually they are being stubborn, refusing to listen, and serving other gods than the true God.
    God wants to bless our socks off, but our mouths (hearts) are closed.
    The key sense here for me is God’s frustration.
    Now I need to consider how it is that I frustrate God.

  5. God told us through Mark 16:16,17,18 that as a believer in Christ Jesus there are several signs that prove we are saved. One of the signs was that when we lay hands on the sick they shall be healed. How many churches practice this sign and see fulfillment of this promise?

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