Carry the cross with Jesus

SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:21-27
“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” (Luke 9:23)
For Jesus, the cross represented the burden He chose to carry to help us in our struggle.
Anyone who chooses to help someone in need takes on a burden of some sort.
A house is burning, someone is crying out for help, are you willing to risk burns or worse to help them?
Your child’s business is floundering, they desperately need a bail out, are you willing to risk your savings?
There is always a price to be paid when we help someone else.
But love does not consider the price, only the burden and need of the one they love?
Jesus sees the masses of humanity under the curse of sin and death – and He takes up the cross to help them.
He is looking for people who also care, who will not ignore the need and suffering of others.
He is not asking us to save the world, just to join Him in loving and caring and offering ourselves to help.
Yes, something of self will be sacrificed (my time, my energy, my agenda, my resources), but something of self will also be gained: our true identity as God-like, loving children of God.
Like a little child helping their father carry a log, it’s not how much weight they carry, but just that they’re helping.
Jesus wants to know if we’re willing to do something, no matter how small it may seem, to help Him help others.
This is what it means to be a disciple, a Jesus-follower, a cross carrier.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for reducing being a christian to believing certain things. Help us to hear (and obey) Your call to follow You, to love like You, to join with You in helping others, even if it costs us.

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