Who do you say He is?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:18-20
It seems that everyone had something to say about Jesus.
All of the suggested identities are positive – a former prophet re-sent from God.
There were others who had some negative suggestions: deceiver, traitor, heretic, rebel, madman, fool?
People today still have opinions, similar or different to these.
And then, like Peter, there are those who believe that Jesus is God’s Messiah.
Christians have come to see Jesus as God in the flesh, coming to rescue and restore us and His kingdom.
Jesus wants us to have an opinion; He asks us, like Peter, “Who do YOU say I am?”
Apparently our answer to this question is very important… who do YOU say He is?
Consider God’s answered to this question: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” (Matthew 17:5)
Take some time today to write down your thoughts about Jesus.
Don’t think about the answers you’ve been taught, look at how you live, and how you relate to Jesus.
If Jesus is Who God says He is, how should that affect how we live each day?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I have a head full of theology about You. But how I live and how I relate to You says a whole lot more about who I really say You are. May my head and my life match the truth of Who You are.

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