living with integrity

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 23
The line that stands out in this passage is “you are an honoured prince among us (v.6). This speaks of Abraham’s integrity and good reputation. And the way he handles this land transaction demonstrates this as well. He insists on paying fair value for the land he purchases. As I read this, I wonder whether we as Christians are received as honoured princes by our communities? Do they see and value our integrity?

Abraham is relying on God’s promise that one day this land will be his. At the present he is still just a visitor (or stranger, v.4) in the land. He could have become arrogant, he could have flaunted his privileged position. Instead he remains a humble servant, a guest with integrity who does what is right in the eyes of his neighbours.

As Jesus-followers, we are confident that Jesus Christ is Lord, that this world belongs to Him, and that we are His ambassadors, His honoured princes. We are heirs of God, co-heirs with Christ, more than conquerors in Him. But we should not start acting like royalty, as if we are better in any way. The onus is on us to live with humility and integrity, especially among our neighbours (see Romans 12:9-18).

Our integrity is one way that the Lord draws others to Him. As we shine like lights, and season the world for good (like salt), people will respond to God because of what they see (Matthew 5:13-16)

Do my neighbours sense the God-change in my life?

Lord, thank You for Your amazing grace that has made me Your prince. Help me to live with humility and integrity that I might be an honoured prince among the people where I live.


  1. Abraham was known as an honoured “Prince” among them. LORD, how am I known? What kind of reputation do I have? Is it a godly reputation? Am I known as Yours?

    These scriptures reveal a humble servant. Abraham was conscious of not offending or insulting the people of this community. He knew the promise that this land was to be his but he did not attempt to ‘rush’ God or manipulate God. Abraham was sensitive to the people. Think of the damage Abraham could have done in building relationships with the men of this community if he had responded differently.

    LORD, so often we as believers ‘rush’ You or run ahead of You, trying to do things in our time NOT Yours. Forgive us LORD. Help me to be humble, to wait on You, respecting and being sensitive to others.

    LORD, may I live in such a way, that You build / create my reputation. That I am known to be sensitive and caring. LORD, grant me patience and understanding for Your will to be done in my life. As I hold fast to Your promises, may I live knowing that You will fulfill Your plans and purposes in Your time. May I not ‘rush’ You, hindering the work that You are doing. Make me a humble servant, responding in Your Spirit LORD. Your will be done.

  2. Then how shall I live each day in God’s presence? I am His and He is mine. That needs to influence all of me – in what I do and so. Abe dealt with the people of the land with integrity – justly – even though the Lord had promised the land to him, He lived in the land and yet no ownership of the land. Once again, God’s timing is everything. God’s way is not our way many a time. Abe dealt justly and honorably in purchasing the land. He was respected by the people, so much so that they would have given the land free. Abraham was still a sojourner in the land and now the only property he owned was a tomb.

    Help me Lord each day anew to exercise justice and mercy so that I too am a person of integrity, a living example of You before the people. And I know that my Redeemer lives so my life, my death is secure in You for in You I have life everlasting. That is the journey of joy.

    My hope is built on nothing less
    Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
    But wholly trust in Jesus’ Name.


    On Christ the solid Rock I stand,
    All other ground is sinking sand;
    All other ground is sinking sand.

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