the Lord has provided

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 22
I can’t explain how God could do this, from my point of view it is pretty harsh. Sacrifice the miracle child? The test in this was whether Abraham could believe that God would deliver on His promise to build his family through Isaac. And Abraham seems to know this. He tells his servants, “we will worship there, and then we will come right back.”

The line that jumps out at me is the proverb, “on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided”, as well as Abraham’s answer to Isaac, “God will provide a sheep.” Abraham did not realize how prophetic this was. The sacrifice represents what is needed to deal with sin and rescue this world. The death penalty announced in Eden (eat the fruit and you will die) was not meted out, God postponed it with the idea that He would provide the sacrifice Himself. Jesus is the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29).

God has provided everything we need to get back to Him. It is not by our striving or conniving that we get back in God’s good books. It’s totally a gift of grace (undeserved favour).

I can have this confidence not only in terms of my eternal security, but also in terms of all that God is asking of me. Everyday the Lord provides what I need to serve Him with my life. He not only asks of me to offer myself to Him as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2), but He also provides me with the resources to do it.

As I enter into this new and challenging ministry opportunity, seeking to share His blessing with the people of Ajax-Pickering, I can know with confidence that “on the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”

Having said all this, I am certain that I would have failed this test. I cannot imagine that I could try to sacrifice anyone, let alone my child. But, I suppose, if He asked it of me, He would provide what I needed to obey.

Lord, my faith is not as strong as Abraham’s, but I want to trust and obey. Remind me again and again and You have provided all that I need!


  1. What marks Abraham’s character to me is his simple obedience.

    Moses does not record Abraham’s struggle or agony in his response to God (the reader is left to assume).

    What else stands out is that I imagine that the devil must have thought this request from God was so absurd that he didn’t really have to whisper anything else in to Abrahams ear to convince him otherwise. Surely, Abraham will object to sacrificing the beloved promised child? What was God thinking in this one, chuckled the devil.

    But what evil cannot comprehend is the ultimately power that exists beyond all logic, human or spiritual reasoning, that lays in the bond of faith in a personal relationship with our Maker. Yes, when God called upon Abraham this terrible request, the only thing that allowed Abraham to put one foot in front of another in this task is his knowledge and experience that …

    … the Lord will provide!

    No arrow of evil can penetrate that armour of God!

  2. LORD, I praise and thank You that You are the Ultimate Provider. I know this yet, how have I responded when my faith is tested? LORD, help me to have the kind of faith that lives in obedience because I believe with all my heart that You do and will provide.

    LORD, when my faith is tested, help me to embrace it as “God” opportunities rather than times of doubt, hesitation, grumbling, complaining, struggling / running. Create in me a solid faith.

    LORD, You asked Abraham to surrender his son, whom he had waited so long for, yet he was willing….. LORD, reveal the things in my life that I need to be willing to surrender to You. What would be the hardest for me to let go of in obedience to You?

    LORD, these scriptures reveal the truth, the blessings of obedience to You. Not just for myself but for my children, my children’s children, and so many others as Your blessings flow in and through me. It’s the ripple effect. My choosing to live my life for You is not just about me. How is/will my faith today affect my family and everyone else around me?

    LORD, help me to be obedient to You, living in total surrender so that others may be blessed by You. Thank You LORD for all that You have provided NOT because I am worthy but because You are continually at work…… LORD, may my life be a testimony to You – the One who provides…..

  3. I am always amazed by this story of Abraham. Abraham walked with His God. When God called him, he was not surprised but said, Here I am. It is like a Father walking and talking with his young son and the Father is his All in All. Child-like faith. Total trust. Walking with his father was a daily occurance. Wow! God will provide. And during the three day walk, who gave him the strength and courage to go on. And to the servants he said that they would return. What a faith! What a relationship to his Father.

    In my daily walk with God, is God my Provider – my All in all. Thank You Lord that You did sacrifice Your Son so that I do have life.You are my Provider since Christ was sacrificed near this mount. Help me daily in my walk of obedience. I need to trust and obey each day in my journey with You.

    What shall I render to the Lord
    For all His benefits to me?
    How shall my soul, by grace restored,
    Give worthy thanks, O Lord, to Thee?

    With thankful heart I offer now
    My gift, and call upon God’s Name;
    Before His saints I pay my vow
    And here my gratitude proclaim.

    Within His house, the house of prayer,
    I dedicate myself to God;
    Let all His saints His grace declare
    And join to sound His praise abroad.

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