Grace to be a builder!

SCRIPTURE: Proverbs 17:1-22:16
“One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys.” (Proverbs 18:9)
Because there are so many proverbs, my plan was to read until one jumped out at me.
This is the first one that jumped out at me, and I couldn’t let go of it after that.
These proverbs make a sharp distinction between to good and the wicked, the wise and the foolish.
But in this proverb a person who slacks on the job is the same as one who works against it.
Someone who watches someone drown and does nothing is the same as someone who drowns someone!
Not in terms of intention (the destroyer wants to destroy, the slacker doesn’t seem to care), but in terms of result.
Jesus calls me to join with Him in caring for and helping people (what the cross was all about).
He knows I will do it imperfectly, that I will mess up, and maybe even fail… but He wants me to try.
I have sensed a bit of slackness in my work and motivation of late.
Thankfully, God’s graciousness reminds me that I don’t have to be driven by guilt.
But it also encourages me to try harder, knowing that with His help I can help bless/save the world!
I am a kingdom builder, I do not want to be a kingdom slacker or a kingdom destroyer.
I do not have to succeed, I just have to try; He will magnify the impact of my imperfect efforts.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, for a moment I saw myself as a slacker, a destroyer. You see me as a builder! You see my potential! You see what we can do together. Thank You for this gentle reminder to join with the Builder, not the Destroyer.

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