miracle child

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 21
Isaac is a miracle baby, born after Sarah was past child-bearing age. Isaac was the result of God’s gracious intervention. Ishmael was the result of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar’s creative scheming. He was the result of human attempts to accomplish God’s promise. Isaac represents being helped (saved) by God’s grace; Ishmael represents trying to help (save) ourselves (see Galatians 4:21-31).

The whole message of the bible makes it clear that no matter how we strive and connive to help (save) ourselves, we cannot. We need God’s help. We become children of God by His gracious intervention (see John 1:12-13). Therefore we are born from above (John 3:3, see note). Ultimately it is through the miracle child born in Bethlehem that we are saved! This is the miracle child that is sacrificed. And God does not demand the sacrifice from us, He makes it for us… His own son!

Through this story, we see how God is constantly intervening, directing the affairs of this world (the covenant with Abimelech, for example) and of our lives (how God provides a child for Abraham and Sarah, and provides water and a future for Ishmael). God is taking care of everyone, with the intention of bringing them back to Himself. If they reject this, they are missing out on the goodness of God, and the goodness He has in mind for us.

God loves us. He will help us. He will save us. But will we let Him?

Lord, You are doing so much in my life. My life is a gift, a gift from above. All that I am, all that I have, is from You. I am a miracle child too!


  1. LORD, thank You for the assurance that You always keep Your promises! Thank You LORD that the impossible is possible for You. Forgive me for the many times that I, like Sarah am impatient for Your promises and answers to prayers, doubting, hesitating, second guessing. LORD, when I do this it keeps me from experiencing and knowing Your peace. I long for Your peace. Fill me with Your Spirit so that I may trust You for every detail of my life. In Your time LORD, not mine.

    LORD, after all You had done for Sarah, she still was concerned about Ishmael and Hagar. Forgive me LORD for the times when I feel threatened, insecure, jealous or envious of others.

    Thank You LORD for Your continued hand of provisions in my life. May I remember this when, like Hagar everything seems to be going against me or not going the way I would like it to be. You promise to always be with me, may I never forget this.

    Abraham was known for having God’s favour. After the oath is made, Abraham worships God immediately. LORD, may I too give praise and honour to You for my life, for the work that You are doing in my life, for the many blessings that You have poured out on my life and those whom I love and for providing each day, all that I am in need of. Thank You LORD for being such a great and awesome God! May others know and see evidence in my life that You are the One whom I place my trust, my hope, that You are my everything. Thank You LORD for sending Your Son to be my miracle. To You be all the glory, honour and praise.

  2. God keeps His promises. God’s timing is always the right timing. His blessings never end. All we can do is live faithfully in His presence with open eys to see Him each and every day and trust and obey. Ishmael and Hagar were forced to leave because of the mocking of Ishmael. God’s people must be separate people – a covenant people – not corrupted by the influence of others. When Hagar was sent away, God’s blessings and handiwork were still there, but did Hagar and Ishmael have the eyes that see – the well of living water – God’s grace?

    Abraham lived his faith openly which was shown with the covenant he made regarding the water well. As I live this day in His presence, may I never be ashamed of the gospel. In all of my life I need to praise and honor my King.

    Sing, oh sing, of my Redeemer,
    With His blood, He purchased me.
    On the cross, He sealed my pardon,
    Paid the debt, and made me free.

    I will tell the wondrous story,
    How my lost estate to save,
    In His boundless love and mercy,
    He the ransom freely gave.

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