God is speaking to you!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 8:11-15
God has been communicating throughout the centuries, trying to get our attention (i.e. God’s Word).
Through people, through circumstances, through our conscience, through nature, through Scripture, through Jesus.
Every day God’s message – like seed – is impressing on us our need for God, for help, for mercy, for wisdom.
What do we do with that message – reject it, ignore it, passively affirm it, aggressively embrace it?
So many pressures and forces (with Satan behind them) work to distract, deceive or discourage us from hearing.
What are the things in your life that hinder you from aggressively embracing God’s message?
What excuses do I make for not taking God more seriously, or my need for help, wisdom and mercy?
People who pay attention to God’s Voice (wherever they sense it), and act upon it, their lives are changed.
They live better, think better, choose better, feel better; a good crop (life) is produced!
God’s seed (God speaking to you) is everywhere in your life – calling, warning, comforting, challenging, forgiving…
What are you doing with it, and what is it doing in you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, I am currently in a moment when I realize that I was not listening. I’m not happy with the results. I need to hear Your message of forgiveness, as well as Your offer of hope and help. I want to aggressively embrace it!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The Word of the Lord is readily available to all today. His Word gives Life and yet . . . .That Word needs to be my daily guide. I am embarking on a trip for 7 weeks and I need a plan – a guide – to know where I am going. So too in my daily living for Jesus I need a plan, a guide to know how I am living each day. What directs my steps? What directs the direction? What directs my actions?

    His Word is my Guidebook on how to live for Him. Not my will but His be done. The question asked throughout must be ‘Where is God in all of this?’

    And so to help me along the Way the question must be asked ‘Where did I see Jesus this day?’

    Lord, help me in my daily walk with You. Lead me and guide me daily or I will stray from the Way. Take my hand and guide me always.

    Precious Lord, take my hand,
    Lead me on, let me stand,
    I am tired, I am weak, I am worn;
    Through the storm, through the night,
    Lead me on to the light:


    Take my hand, precious Lord,
    Lead me home.

    When my way grows drear,
    Precious Lord, linger near,
    When my life is almost gone,
    Hear my cry, hear my call,
    Hold my hand lest I fall:


    When the darkness appears
    And the night draws near,
    And the day is past and gone,
    At the river I stand,
    Guide my feet, hold my hand:

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