Fickle, who me?

SCRIPTURE: Luke 7:31-35
People can be fickle, inconsistent, hard to figure out (that includes you and me).
We want God and everyone else to dance to our own tune, yet our tune changes every day.
We want the freedom to do whatever we want, and we want the help to fix the consequences.
We want God to leave us alone when we’re doing fine, and complain when God’s not there when we need Him.
We deny God in when life is good, and blame God when life goes bad.
Jesus’ frustration with the people of His time was that for many, He couldn’t satisfy or please them.
Jesus identifies this as a matter of wisdom and folly.
You can tell wisdom by its results (“all her children”), and the same with folly.
Our fickleness and inconsistency is the offspring of folly, a sign that our hearts and minds are messed up.
We’re normally quick to see fickleness and folly in others, but do we see it in ourselves?
Do I frustrate God with my life, do I make Jesus sadly shake His head with my silly ways?
God is not waiting for us to change this before He’ll help us, but He does want us to admit it.
Maybe I need to spend some time today reviewing my life (and all it’s children/results)?
Maybe I need to ask someone else to help me see it…
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I am sure that I frustrate You too. I know I can be petty, fickle, even silly and stupid. I admit it, I need help. Help me not only to see it, but help me to do something about it too.

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