God uses us despite…

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 20
Though Abraham is God’s chosen servant, blessed to be a blessing, he is a flawed servant. He still needs to learn to trust God for protection. It seems that Abraham was lying about his wife often, and not even his bad experience in Egypt changed this (Genesis 12:10-20). What is striking here is how God still works for Abraham’s benefit, punishing Abimilech and the women in his home, warning him about his sinful behaviour, and using Abraham to intercede for Abimelech and his household.

The lesson I glean from this is that even though we are flawed servants of God, He still uses us to share His blessing. This truth is seen throughout history, where we see God using weak and sinful followers to still be a blessing to others. God may not be happy with the church, for all the injustices and atrocities it has committed, but He still works in and through the church.

As a church, we will fail. We are not perfect, and we have so much to learn, to grow, to change. We need to be open to correction and change. But we can also count on the Lord to use us despite our flaws. If Jesus can build His church on a ‘rock’ like Peter, himself a proud, flawed, outspoken individual, then He will use any and all of us.

Having said this, another lesson in this passage is that we should not resort to moral shortcuts to accomplish the Lord’s purpose. Lying about our true identity, pretending to be something we are not, or resorting to tricks or schemes to get people into the church or to advance the message of Jesus is not helpful, not good. It will actually have the opposite effect. Exposed scandals and deceptions undermine the credibility of the message.

One quick example. Knowing that people have negative feelings about churches and pastors, I first thought to conceal my occupation as I connected with people in my neighbourhood. Now I have learned that, even with their negative feelings, being open about this is actually a great way to get the spiritual conversation started.

Lord, show me where I am not trusting in You, and instead relying on tricks, techniques, to do Your work.


  1. I found that in this second episode of Abraham hiding Sarah’s identity with the countrymen, Moses reveals a bit more background about the scenario.
    In verse 11, it speaks of Abraham assuming that the people do not fear God.

    I wonder if it is not so much a lack of faith that Abraham kept doing this but an act of faith testing to see the reaction of the people to God speaking to them.

    Abimelech passed the test and heard God speak.
    Pharaoh failed and was condemned.

  2. LORD, again and again we read of Your unending mercy and grace. Thank You LORD that despite the many times we fall short, we mess up, we sin You still purpose to work in and through us.

    LORD, show me the things in my life that are a repeating offence / struggle so that I may let You do what You need to do in my heart so that I can be set free from the temptation, the hold it has on me.

    LORD, in all situations and circumstances help me to trust You instead of doing things my way or in my own strength. Forgive me when I doubt and end up taking matters into my own hands. Forgive me for the hurts that my sins have caused unknowingly to others. LORD, thank You for interveening during those times and protecting others and myself from my sinful choices.

    LORD, thank You for the promises and assurances that these scriptures reveal to us. Thank You for making right our wrongs. Thank You LORD that You love us and use us for Your good and perfect plans and purposes regardless of our imperfections, our flaws, our weaknesses. Thank You LORD for Your unending patience, mercy and grace.

    Change my heart oh God, make it ever true. Change my heart oh God, may I be like You. Though my sins were as scarlet LORD I know, that I am clean and forgiven. Through the power of Your blood, through the wonder of Your love, through faith in You I know that I can be, white as snow…. LORD, thank You for Your refining fire. Thank You LORD that I can, by Your Spirit power be transformed. Mold me and make me for You are the potter and I am the clay. Have Thine own way LORD, have Thine own way…..

  3. Abraham put his trust in himself and not the Lord. The Lord had blessed him, but in his travels Abraham still depended upon the works of his own hands.

    God also uses dreams to speak to kings so that they also may do what is right. Abe acted out of fear because there was no fear of God in the land. As the king goes, so go the people. The king yet knew in his heart what was right and did the right he should. God uses people – all people – to accomplish His purpose. Abe should have trusted in God and talked to His God to do the right thing. In spite of our weaknesses, His will will prevail and His works will be accomplished.

    Help me to stand in Your way also this day Lord.

    Stand up, stand up for Jesus, stand in His strength alone;
    The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
    Put on the Gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
    Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.

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