Pass it on

SCRIPTURE: Luke 6:12-16
The kingdom of God is wherever men or women live, love and lead in service to God – like Jesus did.
For the kingdom of God to come, Jesus needs to raise up kingdom followers.
These twelve were not a limited group, never to be added to, but the first of many to follow.
(Paul was added to the number, and were Andronicus and Junias, Romans 16:7).
They were the foundation (Ephesians 2:20, Revelation 21:14), but many stones were to be built on them (1 Peter 2:5).
Paul describes this ‘pass it on’ leadership model: “You have heard me teach in front of many witnesses. Pass on to men you can trust the things you’ve heard me say. Then they will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2)
The word “apostle” means ‘sent one’; the Latin equivalent is ‘missionary’.
Though some may exercise their apostleship as leaders, others will do so using their particular gifts.
And like this mixed bag of followers, we are added to the bunch, sent by Jesus to live and share the kingdom life!
The Spirit equipped Jesus to equip the first apostles to equip their successors, who equipped others through the centuries until you were equipped, so that you could equip others… pass it on.
We can’t make people join in; all we can do is strive to live the Jesus life ourselves, and pray to God for others to join us.
I believe the kingdom life – living and loving and leading in service to God, like Jesus – is very contagious, that people will be drawn to it when they see it in action.
The Spirit has done this through the centuries – no reason He can’t do it through you!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, You have prayerfully chosen me to join You. Help me to take this kingdom calling seriously, and strive to live and love and lead like You! Inspire others by Your Spirit to join me, that I may pass it on.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Time spent with God in prayer. Not just at mealtime, evening before bedtime, morning devotional time but the whole night talking with the Father. As the Father gives direction
    and encouragement, I too need to spend more time with God – talking with my Father. He gives direction and encouragement. He strengthens and renews. And as Christ was a living example how to live each day for God doing His will, so I too need to be a follower – a light showing how to live for Jesus. I need to be a living letter read by all just as His disciples were.

    As God said ‘this is the Way. Follow me’ so I too need to follow the Way so that others may see the Light and also become followers of Christ. Lead on O King eternal!

    Fishers of men. That’s what they were. Make me an instrument of Your peace Lord so that I too am Your champion showing the Way of life eternal – showing the Way home to live with You forevermore. Help me daily in my walk with You.

    O for a closer walk with God,
    A calm and heavenly frame,
    A light to shine upon the road
    That leads me to the Lamb!

    Where is the blessedness I knew,
    When first I saw the Lord?
    Where is the soul refreshing view
    Of Jesus and His Word?

    What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
    How sweet their memory still!
    But they have left an aching void
    The world can never fill.

    Return, O holy Dove, return,
    Sweet messenger of rest!
    I hate the sins that made Thee mourn
    And drove Thee from my breast.

    The dearest idol I have known,
    Whate’er that idol be
    Help me to tear it from Thy throne,
    And worship only Thee.

    So shall my walk be close with God,
    Calm and serene my frame;
    So purer light shall mark the road
    That leads me to the Lamb.

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