‘In Omnibus Caritas’

SCRIPTURE: Job 32-37
“So the three men stopped answering Job, because he thought he was right. But Elihu the Buzite burned with anger against Job. That’s because Job said he himself was right instead of God… Elihu’s anger also burned against Job’s three friends. They hadn’t found any way to prove that Job was wrong. But they still said he was guilty. (Job 32:1-3).
Who was right, who was wrong… As we will see, none of them were right.
The real issue here is how people fight each other to prove that they’re right.
Job’s friends problem was that they were fighting Job, not loving him as they spoke.
Christians often do this: church history is filled with nasty church fights and splits, with anger, gossip, fierce accusations and dirty tactics.
Who is right, who is wrong… when we fight, with anger, to prove others wrong – we all are.
Only God is right, and all of us are flawed; through all our differences we must remain humble and loving.
We can still strive for truth and discuss what we believe, and why we believe it.
When we differ, we must still be loving, knowing that God will clear it up one day (Philippians 3:15).
We still seek and speak the truth, but we do so in love, not in pride or anger (Ephesians 4:15).
As Paul said: “Suppose I can understand all the secret things of God and know everything about him… If I don’t have love, I am nothing at all.” (1 Corinthians 13:2).
Or as Augustine said: In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas (“Unity in necessary things; Liberty in doubtful things; Charity in all things!’
Love (Charity) must be exercised whether or not we agree, and all our debates and differences must reflect humility and kindness through it all.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, forgive us for striving to be right, instead of speaking the truth in love. Humble my heart in my search for truth, and keep me from being belligerent for my beliefs.

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Job was righteous in his own eyes and Elihu became angry because the three friends found no wrong in Job. Elihu was full of words and wanted his say. Each saying what they thought they were right and Job was wrong. Each thought he was right in his own eyes. How true also today – each having a say and each being right even when coming in the interpretation of Scripture.
    Words . . . words . . . words.
    Words to prove one right like a hot east wind. Dry. No comfort. No love.
    Self righteous.
    Many truths are spoken but not in love or comfort.
    Elihu is different from the other friends saying that God that God does not punish but keeps man from going the wrong way.
    How do I comfort those who are in trouble or sick or in need? How do I share the love of God for His people He brings across my path. How am I ‘Christ’ to them?

    Help me this day Lord to be more like Jesus in allI do and say.

    As each day passes by,
    I feel my love run dry.
    I get so weary, worn,
    And tossed round in the storm.
    Well I’m blind to others’ needs,
    And I’m tired of planting seeds.
    I seem to have a wealth,
    Of so many thoughts about myself.

    I want to, I need to, be more like Jesus.
    I want to, I need to, be more like Him.
    Our Father’s will was done,
    By giving us His Son,
    Who paid the highest cost,
    To point us to the cross.
    And when I think of Him,
    Taking on the whole world’s sin,
    I take one look at me,
    Compared to what I’m called to be.

    I want to, I need to, be more like Jesus.
    I want to, I need to, be more like Him.
    Remember, there’s no greater love,
    Than to lay down your life for a friend.

    The end of all my prayers,
    Is to care like my Lord cares.
    My one and only goal,
    His image in my soul.
    Yes my weakness is revealed,
    But by His stripes I’m healed.
    He’s faithful and He’s true,
    To complete the work he begins in you.

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