Agent of grace! (2)

SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:27-32
Yesterday we saw how Jesus has restored us as agents of grace, to represent God’s forgiveness on earth.
In today’s reading we see this in action: God’s grace to sinners.
Christians often prefer to be agents of God’s judgment, like the Pharisees.
Being gracious to sinners does not mean God will not judge sinners; but now is not the time for judgment.
God uses grace to restore sinners, not judgment… Jesus took God’s judgment so that we would not have to.
Only at the end of time will God implement judgment on those who reject God’s mercy.
For now, like Jesus, we need to go to the people that need to know that God loves and forgives them.
Murderers, sexual sinners, gamblers, abusers, traitors, liars, etc, God’s love is for all of them (and us too).
Instead of separating ourselves from sinners, we need to join with them (in love, not in sin), embrace them.
I do not need to approve of their sin, but neither do I need to judge it.
God by His Spirit will work out conviction and correction, but first they need to experience God’s love and mercy.
Consider how Christians have treated sinners – more like Jesus, or more like the Pharisees?
Let God be the Judge, our job is to be agents of God’s love and mercy – not treating people as their sins deserve.
** Please do not understand from this that sin can be ignored; we still hate sin, and are eager to see people set free from it; but because we know God uses grace to transform and rescue sinners, we join with Him in extending that grace; God by His Spirit will work out the sanctifying process in time, as we journey together as forgiven sinners growing more like Jesus.**
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
God, we are the sick people who need Your help. All of us have more sin in us than we realize. Thank You for loving me before I cleaned up my sin, and thank You for helping me to clean up my sin. Help me to treat others as You have treated me!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    Jesus calls and we must follow.
    All for Jesus.
    The religious leaders of the day were a groupie, staying away from those who needed them. Observers. ‘Holy Rollers.’ Glad they were not like them. A clique unto themselves.
    it was the people they observed who needed them. Mission incomplete. Not accomplished until Jesus can along. His grace/love was for all. His Way was for all. His healing power is for all. All must hear and see His Way.
    As He has forgiven me so too He forgives all who accept the Way.
    I too need to take the beam out of my own eye.

    Thank You Lord for the freedom I have in Christ Jesus. I am forgiven by His blood. May others also accept the Way of true Life You offer freely to all.

    God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name,
    I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name,
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His love as He told me to.

    He said, Freely, freely you have received;
    Freely, freely give.
    Go in my name and because you believe,
    Others will know that I live.”

    All power is given in Jesus’ name,
    In earth and heaven, in Jesus’ name;
    And in Jesus’ name I come to you
    To share His power as He told me to.


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