the God who sees me

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 16
If I were a non-Christian reading this, I might wonder to myself how God could promote things like having slaves and having sexual relations with slaves. What would Christians say or do if someone in their congregation followed these practices? I might also be unimpressed with the type of people Abram and Sarai were, and how God could build His “holy people” from this unholy stock?

This story shows me that God is working through the flawed, broken and mixed up details of this sorry, sin-filled world. God takes people where they are, then gently leads them out. This story speaks to me of amazing mercy and patience, and encourages me that He is working through me despite my flaws and follies. God does not tolerate sin (the death of Jesus shows us how serious sin is) but He is patient with us, not treating us as our sins deserve… yet… unless we absolutely refuse His mercy and help.

This whole story centers on the central place of an offspring who will secure the families future (Genesis 3:15). In hindsight we know this son is Jesus, the promised messiah, Who successfully defeats the serpent, pays the penalty for sin, and overcomes the curse of sin, namely death. The birth of a son, such a critical element in many bible stories, is an anticipation of the coming Son of God!

It was doubt that led Abram and Sarai to conceive this ill-conceived plan. Understandable, since God was sure taking His time to give them a son. But doubt still the same. And their plan B did not result in a better future.

Mohammed claimed Ishmael as the father of Arabs (read more about Islam’s view of Ishmael). God cares for Ishmael too. Although the promise extends through the still unborn son of Abram (aka Isaac), God cares for any and all who entrust themselves to His care. He is the God Who sees us, the God Who cares!

The God Who sees me! No matter where I am, no matter who I am.

Lord, You are the God Who sees me, the God Who helps me. Help me not to turn to my plan B to secure my future, help me to trust in You!


  1. Wow, does this passage ever remind me of the Devil’s scheming tricks, just like in the garden of Eden.

    God had just affirmed to Abram that the nation promised would come from his seed in the previous chapter in verse 4;

    “but one who shall come forth from your own body”

    So what does the devil do? He takes that truth and allows “reasoning” to enter into the mind of Sarai and Abram.

    In verse 2, after Sarai shares her advise (definately influenced by the devil!), what is Abrams response?

    “And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai”

    Remember back in Genesis 3 to the reasoning then …

    “When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make on ewise, she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate.”

    “well, sure honey, whatever you say, sounds like a good deal for me – light up the fireplace!”

    The sin is not so much in the actual event – the sin is in taking the attitude to “reason” out a solution that is not from the instruction of God.

  2. LORD, these scriptures reveal once again that no one is safe from making wrong choices, being led astray and yet, You choose to work with in and through these persons anyway. You redeem our sins, You use our ugliness for Your good and perfect purposes.

    LORD, how many times, like Abram and Sarai, do I fail to wait on Your timing. I turn to You for things in my life, yet like them, I too become impatient, thinking that I can speed up the process, get a quicker answer, jump in to do things in my own strength, do things my way…..? LORD, thank You for the assurance that You also forgive me and welcome me back to Your will each and every time I mess up, trying to manipulateYour plans.

    LORD, we cannot do what only You set out to do. How wrong it is that we try to take things out of Your control? LORD, when things do go wrong at my own hand, help me to take responsibility, to not look for anyone else to blame or point fingers at. LORD, help me to also forgive myself in situations and circumstances happen at my hand. Release me from the power of pride, the fear of failure, the need for acceptance and approval of others that often grips my life when I have messed up.

    LORD, like Hagar, the desire to run from our problems, to walk away from the messes is our response/ reaction. In these scriptures we see that You will not let us do this, that we need to go back and face our mistakes and deal with the problems that have arisen because of them. LORD, again You reveal the promises of blessings when we are obedient to You.

    LORD, thank You for the promise that You work good in and through our ugliness and that with Your help, Your direction, Your strength, Your Spirit power our wrongs can be corrected. Thank You LORD for taking care of the details of our lives – all of them. Thank You LORD for Your unending forgiveness and mercy. Thank You LORD for loving me through my imperfections, my sins, my faults. Thank You LORD for not leaving me stuck in my messes that there is always a way out in and through You. Thank You LORD that Your ways are so much better than our ways. LORD, in my life today, be glorified. May I live by Your good and perfect plans. Not my will but Yours…..

  3. God’s plan wasn’t happening, so Sari sought to ‘help.’ She no longer depended on God’s mighty power and His timing. Nor do we read that she went to the Lord in prayer, asking when His plan would be fufillled. When in doubt, talk with God:-)

    When the plan did work, she who devised the plan, became vocal about her disatisfaction. She blamed others with anger when she was not in the right. Hagar fled but where to? Running into a former lifestyle of a sinful people? Could she have survived in the desert?

    God’s grace/mercy found here and she saw the error of her ways. Wherever I am, You are there Lord. Open my eyes so that I may see You. You visit Your people in time of their need. Help me in my journey this day to travel with You in all I do and say.

    Open mine eyes, dear Savior,
    I thirst in the noontide heat,
    I pine for refreshing waters
    That murmur so cool and sweet.


    Open mine eyes, dear Savior, now,
    Open mine eyes to see
    The well of Thy full salvation
    That sparkles and flows for me.

    Open mine eyes, dear Savior,
    I faint ’neath the burning sky,
    And here, in a lonely desert,
    For water in vain I cry.


    Open mine eyes, dear Savior,
    I know that the well is near;
    But O that my strength were stronger,
    Its mission more bright and clear.


    Whence is the voice that calleth?
    And what do mine eyes behold?
    O Savior, my prayer is answered,
    ’Tis answered a hundred fold.

    Praise to Thy Name, dear Savior mine,
    Joyfully now I see
    The well of Thy full salvation
    That sparkles and flows for me.

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