Kingdom catching with Jesus!

SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:1-11
Jesus’ mission is to announce the good news of the commencement of God’s kingdom (Genesis 1:26-28).
Finally, God’s world is under a worthy leader (Jesus, the Adam we were supposed to be).
Jesus invites us to join Him, to invite God’s wayward children to share in the full life of God’s kingdom.
With God, life becomes full, overflowing – like the nets filled with fish – with the blessing of God.
It is not because I am so wonderful that I get to experience this (‘I am a sinful man’), but because God is so good.
Like Adam and Eve, we are blessed and empowered with the Spirit to go into the world as God’s creation agents.
We are to care for God’s creation, and in this broken, messed up world that involves ‘fishing’ for God’s wayward children.
Our method is the same as Jesus – with deeds of love and mercy, with the fruit of the Spirit, God’s kingdom comes.
Whatever we do (fishing, farming, factory or office work, retail, home-making, etc.) we do it for God and Jesus.
Jesus announces the message through us, as we live and share the good news of the kingdom.
When we help someone, share with someone in need, build something beautiful and good, speak encouraging words, stand up for the victim and oppressed, use our gifts to bless others, multiply our resources to increase our generosity, etc, God’s kingdom comes.
When we use/give our lives to bless God and others, God’s kingdom comes.
And through unworthy us, God’s blessing overflows, and many people are blessed.
Jesus wants you to follow (join) Him too… will you?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Jesus, You mean so much more than my salvation, You are calling me to join You in experiencing AND sharing the blessing of God. Help me not to be a selfish Christian, but to allow You to overflow God’s blessing to others, to ‘catch them’ for You!

One Comment

  1. Observations/Application
    The first thing that jumped in my mind was ‘Not my will but Your will be done.’

    The people were coming and crowding around Jesus – the Word made flesh. That Word we have today and how much time do I spend ‘crowding’ around that Word? It gives Light to the Way. Open my ears Lord that I hear You speaking this morning.

    My ways are not His ways yet I must do what the Master says. ‘Do this and live.’ Simon did and so must I.

    Simon became a ‘fisher of man’ and so must I. I must be a living letter read by all around me to show His Way. My light must shine for Jesus in all I do and say. He has shown the Way to me and I must share that Good News with others. The KIngdom is here and now and I am His worker in that Kingdom. Join us.

    Take away my fears Lord as I continue to follow in Your Way. Empower me with Your Spirit to lead and guide me along the Way.

    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.
    This little light of mine
    I’m going to let it shine.-
    Let it shine, let it shine
    Let it shine.

    – Hide it under a bushel, NO!
    – Shine all over (your town)
    – Don’t let Satan blow it out
    – Let it shine ’til Jesus comes

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