how far God goes for us!

SCRIPTURE: Genesis 15
God communicated visibly and audibly to Abram. Abram did not doubt that God had spoken, but the things that God said seemed contrary to his experience. How could he be the father of many, if he didn’t have a child? How could he acquire the land of Canaan, if the Canaanites (Amorites) still lived there? God points Abram to the stars to reaffirm His promise for a huge family tree. God uses a covenant making ceremony (commonly practiced by kings at the time) to guarantee His promise for the land.

We might find the covenant making ceremony gross or repulsive, but it was an important symbolic event. The severed animals represented the promise makers. The king would force the subjugated person or nation to walk between the animal halves declaring, ‘may this happen to me if I do not keep our agreement’. But here God goes between the animal halves! ‘I make this promise to you, may I be punished severely if I do not keep My promise’. Wow, God binds Himself to us, taking the role of the subjugated party in this covenant ceremony!

The crucifixion of Jesus, another gross and repulsive human ceremony, is another example of how far God will go to rescue and bless us. God is firmly committed to seeking and saving the lost. This affirms God’s love to me, to all people, and shows me how far He is willing to go for us! He will restore and repopulate His kingdom. The citizens of His new world will outnumber the stars! And I am graciously invited to be a part of this!!!

The Israelites are sent to Egypt as missionaries, but the Egyptians end up enslaving them, and so God rescues them. The present inhabitants of Canaan (Amorites) still have time to repent, and Abram and his family also serve as missionaries to call them back to God. Unfortunately, so many people reject God’s amazing, sacrificial love, and eventually the time of judgment comes.

Will I, like Abram, trust God and His promise?

Lord, thank You for showing me through this passage how far You have gone for me, for us, for Your kingdom! Your love is amazing!


  1. Verse 12 speaks out to me …
    “Now when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and behold, terror and great darkness fell upon him”

    Did God introduce to Abram the emotions of the future nation of Israel when they will be oppressed and enslaved? How would that night experience change Abram’s focus in moving ahead?

    I believe that until a leader is able to identify with the situation of the people they are leading, then the leadership is flat. God indeed was preparing Abram to be a great passionate leader to this nation that he has not even met yet.

  2. LORD, in these scriptures we read of Your covenant promise to Abram as his descendants- as many as the stars in the sky. Abram doesn’t scoff You, laugh in disbelief or even doubt infact, we read the words “And Abram believed the LORD!” LORD, such a powerful testimony, such a great faith Abram has. I know You to be a God who keeps His promises but yet, how many times do I doubt?, do I hesitate?, do I show disbelief? How often do I question what You are doing in my life?

    LORD, I pray for the depth of believing faith that Abram lives in these scriptures. Help me in my times of unbelief. May I too one day live an all-believing faith.

    We also see in these scriptures that You are all-knowing. You knew what would take place, the outcome of four generations later. You know every detail of my life – past, present and yet to come. May I trust You to carry me through those times and situations that You already know about.

    We see here that difficult/ hard times happen to believers but You promise to carry us through those times, blessing our faithfulnes and commitment to You during such times. LORD, how would I respond if You told me that I would wonder for 400 years, oppressed and in slavery? LORD, grant me patience to endure what happens in my life to come knowing that You are right there with me, knowing that You will carry me through drawing me closer to You, blessing my commitment and obedience to You. Help me to surrender every circumstance and situation in my life for Your plans and purposes.

    LORD, Your promises are so much more than our human minds can comprehend. Thank You LORD for Your amazing love. Thank You LORD for Your amazing grace. Thank You LORD for the many signs in my life today of Your great promises, for the signs that You are ever present in my life. Thank You LORD for all that You continue to do in my life each and every day. Thank You LORD that You are always in control…..

  3. God told Abram that He was his Shield. That I too need to remember daily. In my daily walk with the Lord, He is my Protector, My Shield. What do I need to fear? He is there beside me always. I must take God at His Word as Abram did. Just believe.

    God keeps His Word. He made a covenant with Abram and He fulfilled that Promise. It was God’s promise to Abram. Abram had a little trouble staying focussed on the ceremony. However God told him what would happen and how he would be the father of nations. What a mighty God I serve. Look all what He has done for me. God promises that He will take care of His own. As He was with Abram, so too God will be with me, in all of my life.

    I need Thy presence every passing hour.
    What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power?
    Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be?
    Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

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