Where am I blind?

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 9:35-41
“Now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.” (John 9:41)
This blind man knows little, yet he knows that he knows little.
The religious leaders think they know better, and this makes them blind.
Even more, it makes them guilty of the sin of pride and folly.
Being blind itself is hard, but what if you deny you’re blind?
In both fields of science and religion, people claim to KNOW.
Each asks us to trust them, that their knowledge is unbiased.
But there is no unbiased knowledge, we all see through sinful eyes.
I hold many things to be true, but I hold them very gently.
I am – or should be – always ready to adjust my views.
So where could I be blind, yet unaware of it?
Am I thinking or doing something harmful, yet thinking its OK?
The best position is always one of humility and openness to correction.
When we stand before Jesus, we should allow Him to reveal our ignorance.
Only then can we experience the truth that will set us free (John 8:32).
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, the more I learn, the more I realize I do not know. Help me to stay humble, and open to learn. And show me where I am still blind.

Ordinary, unschooled evangelists!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 9:24-34
“You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!” (John 9:34)
This uneducated blind man speaks truth from his heart, and is attacked for it.
People are still looked down on for simple or inadequate lives or beliefs.
Theologians look down on ordinary believers for their simple bible ideas.
Scientists look down on all believers for incredulous religious beliefs.
Pastors look down on ordinary believers for their shallow lives and beliefs.
But this man has a simple, ordinary wisdom that should not be ignored.
He may know very little about lots of things, but he does know Jesus.
He had experienced Jesus, and no one can take this away from him.
Jesus loves to use ordinary, unschooled people to impact the world. (Acts 4:13)
Their only qualification is that they “have been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).
Be very careful about how you think about those who seem ‘below’ you.
God can use anyone – young, old, uneducated, educated, ordinary or famous.
So long as they surrender to Jesus – He will work in and through them.
Even the most broken, messed up person can be used by God!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I may be broken, messed up, confused, scared, but one thing I know! You are my strength! No one can take this from me! Use me just as I am, to help others just as they are!

Fulfilling the law of love!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 9:13-23
“This man is not from God, for he does not keep the Sabbath.” (John 9:16)
The original idea of the sabbath was to give workers a break from their work.
It was a gift day, a bonus holiday, every week, for the body to be renewed.
Jesus understood the value of personal renewal, He often took sabbath breaks.
But the sabbath is not a day to stop living and loving.
Caring, sharing, loving and serving are daily tasks, as normal as breathing.
It’s not a job, for which we slave, so that we can make money.
It should be the default state of every living human being, always.
The religious leaders turned the sabbath into a burden.
‘Don’t do this, don’t do that…’ but they were missing the point.
God blesses us with the gift of rest, but we never rest from loving God or people.
It is a continuous debt that must always be paid.
“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another,
for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” (Romans 13:8)

Jesus was not breaking the law, He was fulfilling it!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Lord, thank You for the gift of rest. But with Your help, may I never rest from loving You or people!

Return to your rest!

“Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” (Psalm 116:7)
In times of crisis or grief or stress or struggle, ‘return to your rest’.
Go to that place where your soul is nurtured, encouraged, strengthened.
Spend time resting your troubles in His hands, and resting yourself there too.
The psalmist shares his experience of God’s help through a tough time.
He shares how he rested in God’s goodness and love, even though he was struggling.
This is similar to Jesus sleeping on the boat through the storm.
I know, our natural response is agitation, anger, hyper-activity, worry.
But do any of these things help, do they take us out of trouble?
Often they only make it worse – our reactive responses only magnify the problem.
I am told that people diagnosed with cancer can heal better through calming practices.
Breathing, exercising, positive thinking, meditation… and prayer.
Our troubled spirits do not help us, they actually make things worse.
If you are in crisis or emotional upheaval, consider the calming practice of prayer.
You will discover His goodness waiting there for you.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, may I calm myself in You, so that You can work Your healing and blessing in and through me.

Which path will we seek?

THE STORY OF JESUS: Daniel 10-12
“Some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. ” (Daniel 12:10)
Who are the kings, who is the prince of Persia, what is the abomination?
Personally, though some theories are interesting, I do not get into them.
This detailed vision was meant to encourage they exiles, not bewilder them.
None of them who received it would be able to figure it out; not even Daniel.
But they didn’t need to – nor do we – for that’s not the point.
What is clear that every detail of history is part of an unfolding plan.
God is at work behind the scenes on behalf of His people, to restore them.
Those who cling to evil will inherit evil; those who cling to God will receive life!
In this time before the end, when evil still flourishes, which do we choose?
We are exiles too, and we must also choose which path and direction to seek.
Will we cling to God, hope in God, and follow God in goodness and love?
Or will give in to selfish, sinful living, looking out for #1?
God is directing history towards goodness and love… are we seeking that too?
Jesus (not the church) shows us the better way, will we trust and follow Him?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, we all find what we seek, everlasting goodness or everlasting selfishness. Help me to seek what You seek, and work for what You are working for.

Finding courage in Jesus!

“Before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven.” (Daniel 7:13)
These words were inspired and recorded to help the Jews in captivity.
Through Daniel, the people are urged to repent, and to hope in God.
Life will not be easy, many kingdoms will arise and bring hardship.
But the Ancient of Days remains on the throne, no matter what.
Your crisis, suffering and death cannot separate You from God.
God will one day raise up an anointed human (like a son of man).
He will come backed with heavenly authority, He will reclaim the throne.
He will restore the temple, the kingdom, and the people of God!
We are not in captivity, but in a sense we are exiles in a godless world.
Kings and kingdoms rise and fall, but God’s kingdom seems beyond us.
The innocent suffer and die, while injustice and immorality thrive.
But ‘the Son of Man’ will come again… for He has already come.
And He – Jesus – will make all things good and right, for us and for the world!
Be encouraged: “His kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:14)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I keep reminding myself that evil will lose, and You will win… and we will overcome with You. May this message give me renewed courage for working with You for God’s kingdom!

God’s glory through me!

“This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” (John 9:3)
Jesus says there is a reason for this disability, but its not someone’s sin.
Sin is the ultimate cause of suffering in this broken, messed up world.
But God isn’t punishing this man with blindness, He’s using him for glory!
God uses this man to reveal the glory of the Messiah – this was his mission.
God uses and directs all our circumstances to bring us back to God.
He uses our struggles and suffering to help others, to save others.
If I knew my life exactly as it is would save someone, would it be worth it?
Like soldiers in an army, our challenges are for a greater purpose.
Some are on the front lines, some at headquarters – all serve a purpose.
“As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me.” (John 9:4)
We are the agents of God’s salvation; He uses us to bless and save the world.
But am I a willing partner, seeing my life as an assignment to glorify God?
Who does God want to help, to bless, to save… through my life?
How can I turn my struggle into an opportunity to display God’s glory?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my life as it is has the potential to save and bless many. Help me to join You in Your work by using my life to display Your glory and goodness!

I AM, with you always!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 8:48-59
“Before Abraham was born, I am!” (John 8:58)
For the most part, Jesus only speaks of His human nature.
But here we have a bold hint as to His divine origin.
Jesus makes a number of bold “I AM” statements.
And for the Jews, the “I AM” name was so holy, it should not be spoken.
God first named Himself ““I AM WHO I AM” (Exodus 3:14) to Moses.
The name is mysterious, leaving open what and Who exactly God is.
Jesus fills out the meaning: I AM the bread of life, the resurrection, the way, etc.
In other words, ‘I AM everythning you need (not want) Me to be!’
In Jesus, we find the fullness of God, the fullness that we need!
“In Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.
And in Christ you have been brought to fullness.” (Colossians 2:9-10)

I believe that Jesus is the key to the mystery of God.
I believe that Jesus is the source to the fullness of LIFE.
Jesus links us to the eternal God, the everlasting, never-failing I AM!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, YOU ARE everything I need, the key to God and life to the full! In You I find the God I need, the God I am looking for.

I want to listen to Jesus!

THE STORY OF JESUS: John 8:42-47
“The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.” (John 8:47)
If you struggle with faith or following Jesus, do not take these words against you.
Jesus is not in the business of making struggling disciples doubt themselves.
Jesus was trying to shake up and wake up these proud religious people.
He basically says – if you really loved God, you wouldn’t be trying to kill people.
How do we know if we belong to God?
If the things Jesus says makes sense to us, and we want to be like that.
This is the sign that our hearts are open to God.
God isn’t noting the perfection of our efforts, but the genuineness of our desire.
People who love God will desire kindness, generosity, forgiveness, patience, etc.
People who love Satan will desire greed, lust, selfishness, cruelty, bitterness, etc.
Jesus is challenging proud religious people – all He sees is hate and deception.
Don’t take Jesus’ challenge as against you, but listen to what Jesus says.
Check your heart, can you say, ‘Lord, I admit I am not like You, but I want to be!”
Rest assured, you belong to God.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, thank You for gently challenging us so that we will see our hearts. I admit that I am not like You… but I want to listen to You, I want to follow You!