THE STORY OF JESUS: Psalm 119:1-24
“Your statutes are my delight; they are my counsellors.” (Psalm 119:24)
More than anything for David, God was his “delight and joy” (Psalm 43:4).
Because he delighted in God, he also delighted in God’s revelation.
He found the Torah (the books of Moses) helpful for knowing and loving God.
In this song, David explains why he delights in the books of Moses.
He treated them as his counsellors, he looked to them for guidance for living.
Think of how a business traveller loves to receive messages from their family.
They delight in Skype, or they delight in SMS, or their cell phone.
Those tools are ways of connecting with the ones they love.
We do not love the bible for the sake of the bible.
We love how those words and stories connect us to God and Jesus.
We see and hear and feel in them the Ones that we love.
The words remind us of what is true, and important.
Like counsellors, they guide us towards life in God and Jesus.
Don’t just focus on the book, focus on the Ones we love behind the book!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, when I read from the bible, I am connecting with You. Thank You for how Your Spirit refreshes my spirit as I meditate on the words of the bible.
Archive of entries posted on September 2018
Am I my brother’s keeper?
“You should not gloat over your brother in the day of his misfortune.” (Obadiah 1:12)
Edom (from Esau, Jacob’s brother) and Israel (from Jacob) fought for years.
Obadiah describes how Edomites took advantage of defeated Israel and her refugees.
This tension makes me think of the present day tensions between Jews and Muslims.
Both claim Abraham (grandfather of Jacob and Esau) as their father.
And yet, as brothers, they fight and harass and oppress each other.
God’s command is that we treat all people with respect, since we’re all family!
All people, all nations, will be judged for how they treated others.
“As you have done, it will be done to you…” (Obadiah 1:15)
Think of how Jesus taught us to “forgive… as we have been forgiven (Matthew 6:12)
Will God treat us as we have treated the weak or needy or guilty around us?
Will God treat the Jews as they treated the Palestinians, or vice versa?
Will God treat me as I treated the homeless, the addicted, the criminals?
If Jesus is our pattern for how to treat tax collectors, prostitutes, foreigners…
Who are the people I am not being a good brother too?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I know I am forgiven by grace. But help me to share that grace with others, as You have shared it with me, lest I lose out on the very grace that I have received.
God’s Spirit on all people!
“And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people!”
Earlier Joel had called all people to assemble for repentance (2:16-17)
Their sinful rebellion had resulted in life-destroying consequences.
Now Joel is predicting a time of life being revived, restored, refreshed.
In Genesis 2:7 the Spirit (breath) of God gave life to humanity (Adam).
Once again God’s Spirit will give life to God’s family, and all will be blessed.
Not just a sacred few, but young and old, mothers and infants – all people!
This has always been God’s intent – to restore His whole family.
Jesus comes energized by God’s life-giving Spirit, blessing all people.
Young and old, women and infants, even sinners – this is what got Jesus in trouble!
For “the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off!” (Acts 2:39)
The life-destroying consequences affect all people, the guilty and the innocent.
The life-giving blessing of Jesus is offered to all people, the guilty and innocent.
We baptize all ages to show that God’s life-blessing is for all, not just a few.
Whether “all” accept it is not our decision, that is between God and them.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your Spirit has been poured out on all people, yet not all receive it. Help me to realize what it means to have Your Spirit. And help me to help others realize and receive it too!
With love and tears!
THE STORY OF JESUS: John 11:28-37
“Jesus wept.” (John 11:35)
In Jesus, we see God; in Jesus’ tears, we see God’s tears.
Could God or Jesus keep us from dying – technically, yes. (John 11:37)
For some reason God does not just snap His fingers and fix everything.
He does intervene at times, but His goal is more than just fixing our problems.
God is addressing the source of our problems, our sin condition.
Our selfish, sinful hearts have resulted in this broken, messed up world.
He could just ‘fix it’, instead He sets out to ‘fix us’.
In Jesus (human) we see what ruling over and caring for creation looks like.
We see love, justice, compassion, and tears – a true human and God-like response.
With love, and tears, God rescues us from sinful, selfish living…
And restores us to be loving leaders and caregivers.
Like Jesus, we need to weep with those who weep, suffer with those who suffer.
And offer ourselves in service to God, and to all, with love and tears.
This is how we are saved – this what we are saved for!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, Your tears speak volumes. Thank You for showing me how much You care, for all people. May my tears flow with Your for those who still need to experience Your love.
Longing for LIFE!
THE STORY OF JESUS: John 11:17-27
“I am the resurrection and the life.” (John 11:25)
By this ‘I am’ statement Jesus equates Himself with God and with God’s LIFE.
“God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.” (1 John 5:11)
Though we are physically alive, we are not fully alive, physically and spiritually.
(The Greek word ‘bios’ = physical life, ‘zoe’ = physical/spiritual life together).
Without God, we have lost our connection to fully alive ‘life’ (‘zoe’ or LIFE).
The reason we are dying is because we are disconnected from the source of LIFE.
We all sense ‘death’ at work in us and around us, all through the world…
Every time something goes wrong, or someone gets sick, or someone dies!
We also feel deep inside a longing for LIFE, for LIFE beyond death!
People sensed this LIFE in Jesus: some resisted it and some welcomed it.
“The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” (John 11:25)
Jesus offers to connect us to God, and in God to LIFE as it was meant to be.
The question is not ‘am I alive physically’ but ‘am I alive spiritually’?
“Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.” (1 John 5:12)
“Do you believe this?” (John 11:26)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I want to believe this. Death seems so much more real. Yet deep down inside my soul reaches for life, for God, for You. I want to LIVE!
God can use me too!
THE STORY OF JESUS: John 11:11-16
“Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up.” (John 11:11)
How does Jesus know that He would ‘wake up’ Lazarus?
I don’t believe that the answer is ‘because He is God’.
Jesus is emptied of His God powers (Philippians 2:6-7).
I believe God revealed it to Him in His prayer time.
Jesus has a close, personal relationship with the Father.
Because He was fully submitted, God shows His power through Him.
Neither did He raise Lazarus from death because He was God.
Just like Paul did not raise Eutychus because he was God (Acts 20:9-12).
Jesus came to be Adam for us, to show us what we’re capable of – with God.
I am convinced that we are capable of so much more, but we miss out on it.
But don’t set your sights on raising the dead; focus on submitting to God.
As we seek the life in the Spirit, the Spirit will work out the gifts of the Spirit.
Don’t pursue power or miracles; pursue knowing God and Jesus.
He will decide when and how to reveal “greater things” to you, and through you!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I can’t raise the dead… but You can. Help me to surrender myself to You, and to grow in my relationship with You. Help me to trust that as I do, You will reveal your power and love to me and through me!
Opportunities to shine for God!
THE STORY OF JESUS: John 11:1-10
“It is for God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” (John 11:4)
Jesus knows Who He is, as God’s messiah sent to restore God’s kingdom.
Everything happening around Him is set up by God to reveal His identity.
Deep down He trusts God to use this Lazarus occasion to do that too.
Jesus describes the way He lives as ‘walking in the daylight’.
Darkness and light are used symbolically here.
Jesus is not worried because He is determined to do what is right (light).
People usually do bad things in the dark, in the shadows, in the late hours.
Jesus is not hiding Himself, He does what He does for everyone to see.
And this is how He is glorified: people see His goodness and marvel.
God put us here to be like bright lights that bring goodness and love.
Do we know who we are as God’s much loved, forgiven and restored children?
Let’s not hide it or brag about it, let’s live it and let God shine through it.
God is setting us up today for good; take the opportunity to shine with His love!
All that happens today is an opportunity to show who He is, and who we are!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help me to live in such a way that people are drawn to Your goodness. Let people praise You because of me today!
The cornerstone of my hope!
“Better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans.” (Psalm 118:8)
How confident are you in the government right now?
How about the education system, or doctors, or lawyers, or the police?
Is human nature or goodness a reliable source of confidence and hope?
Humans are the cause of all the world problems, and this includes us.
Like pollution in the world, we are all contributors to the problem of sin.
Despite promises from politicians, we usually find their words unreliable.
BECAUSE we cannot trust in humans, because humans do not trust in God.
We need Jesus, His way of self-denying love is the only reliable foundation.
If we loved God and people LIKE Jesus did, our world would be very different.
Jesus’ message is my political, social platform, as weak as it sounds.
It doesn’t answer all our questions, but it guides us in how we answer them.
When in doubt, follow the way of self-denial, humility, grace, mercy.
Jesus chose this path and was rejected for it – we probably will be too, but…
“The (message) the builders rejected has become the cornerstone!” (Psalm 118:22)
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I choose to put my hope in You, not in our worlds professionals and intelligentsia or power brokers. The human way will let us down, but Your way is my cornerstone!
God’s love seems reckless (but its not!)
“My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused.” (Hosea 11:8)
Hosea is calling the people to rethink their lives, to change their hearts.
He reminds them how God changes His heart, from judgment to mercy.
What drives God is love for His children; will His children change for love?
Hosea makes it clear that He has very good reason to let go of His children.
But God’s Father heart hangs on, despite their terrible behaviour.
Some have called this the ‘reckless’ love of God.
Its seems wrong to say God is reckless, but His love for us sure looks like it.
This reveals the tension we find in genuine parental love.
Even parents of terrible people still love the child they gave birth to.
They hate, hate, hate their ways, and desperately wish for them to change.
This is God to us, and Jesus’ coming shows us how far He will go.
“While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8)
God’s compassion is still roused for us, even though we do terrible things.
His hope is that His mercy will change our hearts, and bring us back to Him!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, my heart needs more softening, and today’s insight into Your heart is a good reminder. Help me to feel Your deep, deep hate for sin, and Your even deeper love for me!
The things we love are killing us!
“Their sins engulf them.” (Hosea 7:2)
What does it mean to be engulfed by my sin?
Sin is any thought or behaviour that is not God-like… i.e. good!
Like deception, selfishness, cruelty, greed, lust, anger, bitterness.
Have you ever seen someone totally wrapped up in these things?
It seems to me we are getting ourselves deeper and deeper into trouble.
Brene Brown makes a comment about our generation here in the west.
We’re the most indebted, overweight, addicted and medicated generation ever!
There is a mental health crisis, but we’re clueless as to why.
We assume chemicals and medications can fix us; they only mask the problem.
Something is wrong in the world, yet we ignore or deny the spiritual part of it.
“Despite all this (we do) not return to the Lord or search for him.” (Hosea 7:10)
Hosea’s words address the problem among God’s people, i.e. in the church!
Sadly the church is caught up in this too, we are as engulfed by sin as the rest.
I sense the Lord speaking to me today: where is sin engulfing you???
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I sense the tendrils of being lukewarm, worldly in my desires, selfish with my blessings, and distracted by unhealthy, unhelpful desires. May I be engulfed by You, and not by these things!