God’s love on fire!

“Surely your wrath against mankind brings you praise.” (Psalm 76:10)
What is meant by the wrath of God?
Some synonyms for ‘wrath’ include fury, rage, extreme anger.
How can wrath bring Him praise?
We need to be clear: God is love, God is not wrath.
Some kind of love is the source of all wrath.
Usually in us, that love is self-love, when someone hurts us.
But God’s love is selfless love, love for us and others.
His love is kindled when He sees His people or His creation abused.
In this Psalm, God is not just having a selfish temper tantrum.
He is rising up “to save all the afflicted in the land!” (Psalm 76:9)
God’s righteous anger is presently restrained by mercy and love.
But He remains passionately committed to the underdog.
The day will come when God brings down the cruel, violent, abusers.
On that day, the “afflicted” will finally rejoice with praise!
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, help us not just to receive Your gracious love for ourselves. May we be passionate to share this love with the poor and struggling around us, that they too may praise God for His justice and mercy!

Guard my heart!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Proverbs 3-4
“Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” (Proverbs 4:23)
For the Jews, the heart was a person’s spiritual command center.
Our heart directs our mind, our will and our emotions.
When something has our heart, everything about us moves towards it.
What happens if our hearts are gripped by something bad or unhealthy?
Like sex, money, pleasure, gambling or shopping?
Like work, or success, or food, or physical fitness.
Everything we do will flow from that passion, it will consume us.
Wisdom is to think very carefully about what we love, and think, and do.
The careless heart will be seized by lesser loves, and enslaved by them.
Through these Proverbs, Jesus is warning us to be on guard.
He urges us to become passionate about love and faithfulness (3:3).
He calls us to trust in Him, and set our hearts on His way (3:5-6).
Is there something that has my heart that is hindering or hurting me?
Am I making wise choices, or am I allowing unhealthy loves ruin my life?
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, I’ve seen what happens when I give my heart to lesser things. If I am to be a slave to anything, I’d rather be a slave to You. Take my heart!

The voice of wisdom all around!

THE STORY OF JESUS: Proverbs 1-2
“Out in the open wisdom calls aloud…” (Proverbs 1:20)
The Creator has designed the universe with wisdom built right in.
There is a ‘common sense’ evident in life that anyone can see.
If people actually thought through their ways, they would see it.
But we tend not to think through our ways, we act on impulse or desire.
Wisdom tells us that all evil deeds eventually get exposed.
Wisdom tells us that violence, anger and unforgiveness do not help.
Wisdom tells us that selfishness, greed and lust lead to misery.
Wisdom tells us that cheating, lying, stealing come back to haunt us.
Wisdom calls aloud, yet so often we ignore or refuse it.
Wisdom is the Voice of Jesus – the Word of God – embedded in creation.
I believe everyone hears His Voice, urging us to change our ways!
Through Solomon’s sayings, Jesus is challenging us to think about our lives.
He is showing us the folly of human ways, and urging us to follow Him!
He is inviting us into His way of living, loving and leading in God’s world.
What do you sense the Lord saying to you?
Lord, these opening words are challenging me to rethink my values, my priorities, my practices… am I being wise in how I’m living?