tired of listening?

After a church service on Sunday Morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, “Mom, I’ve decided to become a minister when I grow up.”

“Well,” said the little boy, “I have to go to church on Sunday anyway, and I figure it will be more fun to stand up and yell than to sit and listen.”

reflections on pride

Pride WeekThis week is Pride Week in Toronto.
“Pride Week celebrates our diverse sexual and gender identities, histories, cultures, creativities, families, friends and lives. It includes a three-day street festival with over eight stages of live entertainment, an extensive street fair (including community booths, vendors, food stalls), a special Family Pride program, a politically charged Dyke March and the infamous Pride Parade.”
This is not a topic that I have addressed publicly before.
I have talked about it in church once, but its not something I have brought up outside of the church, let alone on my blog.
Its a hot button topic, one that is guaranteed to raise a lot of questions, challenges or even attacks.
And I hesitate to speak about something that I only know about from a distance.
Yes, I do believe that the bible has something important to contribute to this subject (and to all matters sexual).
I happened upon this article on another blog, and it resonated with me.
Sharing The Gospel In The Gay Village
I like how he refuses to make it a “point the finger” issue, but instead shows how we ALL have concerns in our lives that need to be addressed, that we all stand under the love and truth and justice of God, that we all need mercy and help.
Apparently my pride is as much an issue as anyone elses!
As one person comments, his approach works well with heterosexuals and homosexuals – with all sinners!
“I do all this because I love the LGBT community. They are a community comprised of individual eternal souls. Sadly, they are culture that has almost no contact with biblical Christianity in any form. How many drag queens can count a born again Christian amongst their friends? Very few, to our shame.”

thinking about worship

WorshipLooking for some feedback on the experience of corporate worship.
When you come into a gathering of Jesus-followers, what is it that you are hoping to experience?
The other question is, when non-church-attenders show up, what do you think they are hoping to experience?
Is it true, do most people today want upbeat, contemporary, soft rock music?
Would some people want heavy rock, or country, or indie style, or jazz?
Or maybe even ancient, gregorian chants, hymns?
Or no music at all, maybe poetry or art or rhythmic drums?
Or silence?
All of these are means to an end, right?
To encountering God, to meeting Jesus, to experiencing the Spirit?
Maybe I am asking the wrong questions, maybe I am missing the point.
What do you think?

thinking about prayer

prayer2I was thinking about prayer, and I wrote some of my thoughts down.
What other statements would you add to help expand or improve this list?
I am looking for simple statements, not lengthy paragraphs.

  • Prayer is simply talking with God, both listening and responding.
  • Prayer is only meaningful as part of a personal relationship with God.
  • Prayer is only possible because of Jesus and through the power of the Spirit.
  • Prayer expresses both dependence and confidence.
  • Prayer is the key to partnership with God, to unleashing His and our potential in the world.
  • Prayer is a matter of sincerity, not of technique.
  • Prayer is a reflection of the state of the soul.
  • Prayer comes in many forms and styles, there is plenty of room for variety and diversity.
  • where are the men?

    men-silent Twiggy asked an important question in one of her comments.
    where’s the men’s comments here …. ?
    I am reminded of a book by Larry Crabb called The Silence of Adam.
    He notes that Adam was with Eve when she was tempted, but he said and did nothing.
    He goes on to suggest that men have been noticeably silent or passive throughout history in regards to what really matters (and annoyingly loud and aggressive in other matters).
    We are also noticing this in the Leadership Development Network.
    At an information meeting last night, we could ask “where are the men”?
    Or go to many churches, and often the men are less in number than women.
    There could be lots of reasons for this.
    What do you think (and lets hear from the men!!!)?

    lets talk about obedience

    ten(der) commandmentsThis coming Sunday I am talking about obedience.
    What is it, is it important?
    Why do we find it hard to talk about obedience, is it maybe a spirit of rebellion?
    Do we do what we do for God out of love or obedience?
    How do we maintain the healthy balance between love and obedience?
    Is there a danger of focusing on obedience, making us more like legalists?
    How often do you use the word “obey” in your prayers?
    How do we decide what “laws” to obey in the Bible?
    So many questions, any opinions?

    o praise Him

    This is a great video!
    You have to stick it out to the end to get the full impact.
    Thanks for sending it Jill, I used in yesterday for the message!

    I want to have this kind of song playing inside my heart as I go through each day.
    To be energized by, and motivated for, God and Jesus and the Spirit in all I do and say.
    To have my relationship with the Lord ‘leak out of me’, so that others see it in me. Continue reading ‘o praise Him’ »