update from Nathan

Our son Nathan is on a one year internship with Urban Promise, a ministry “that exists to proclaim the love of Jesus, and to express it through the spiritual, social and educational development of children, youth and families living in government housing.”

He sent me this update recently of what he is up to:

Hey Everyone!

I have moved into Toronto, and have already been through a week of Afterschool Program. I have really gained an appreciation for what Urban Promise does. It is impossible to meet these kids without immediately liking them. They definitely will teach me patience, but they are amazing nonetheless. Please pray for me as I go into week two of the program. Pretty soon I will be leading the Word UP (Bible Lesson) which is a pretty daunting task. I will be continuing to post updates here through my Dad’s Website so check back here Frequently!

Nathan S.

a leader’s prayer

Give your love of justice to the king, O God, and righteousness to the king’s son. Help him judge your people in the right way; let the poor always be treated fairly. May the mountains yield prosperity for all, and may the hills be fruitful. Help him to defend the poor, to rescue the children of the needy, and to crush their oppressors. [Psalms 72:1-4 ]
A prayer of Solomon, appointed as a leader over the nation of Israel.
Facing that daunting task, he desperately seeks God’s help and guidance and wisdom and blessing.
What did you pray for when the Lord appointed you as a leader of something?
What strikes me here is his heart for justice, especially for the poor and needy; and what alarms me is how in time he looses his way as a leader – despite God’s help. Continue reading ‘a leader’s prayer’ »


Hey, while we’re on the subject of eschatology (view of the end times), I thought I would bring up the idea of what happens to our pets if we are “raptured”.
In case you are concerned, you do have the option of signing up your pet for “Post Rapture Pet Care”, just in case.

Do you wonder what is going to happen to your pets when Jesus descends from Heaven to re-unite the Church with the Father taking all Christians – dead and alive – up to Heaven? Will your pets be left behind with no-one to care for them?

Have no fear! We at Post Rapture Pet Care are confirmed atheists and as such will be part of the left behind when the time comes. Just because we are atheists doesn’t mean we are not animal lovers. We adore all kind of pets and would love to look after your pets after you are gone.

For a small donation of £69.99 pounds, we will make sure your pets are well fed and taken care of long after you and your family have been taken up.

We have representatives in the South East of England and also in the North East of Scotland so can accommodate for most areas of the country giving you peace of mind where ever you are.

This is not a joke. We feel very strongly about pet care and want to offer the best possible services to British pet owners. Feel free to get in touch at pets@postrapturepetcare.com for more info.