through the bible in three years

Wow, I did it, I can hardly believe it.
For the past three years I have kept up a blog journal on every chapter in the bible.
This has been part of my desire to help people experience Jesus through the bible, to hear His voice as they read and to choose each day to follow Him.
I know that some people have been trying to go through the readings with me.
My hope is that it has been a good experience for all of us, and above all that it has strengthened our relationship to Jesus.
One thing I wanted to highlight was how this was a communal effort. Continue reading ‘through the bible in three years’ »

repent or refuse?

SCRIPTURE: Revelation 16
They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him. [Revelation 16:9]
This vision is shaped after God’s judgment against Egypt and Pharoah, with the many signs and plagues, and the people refusing to repent.
The things that happen in the world as it moves towards judgment day should be enough to get people’s attention, to make them think, to make them repent.
Wars, disasters, tragedies and crises, all of these are the birth pains that precede the final event, and should provoke us to see our need for God’s help and mercy.
And still people refuse to repent and glorify Him.
God is actively revealing Himself to humanity, and there is ample evidence of His glory and grace, so that we are without excuse [Romans 1:18-20].
Everything God does and allows is intended to get us to seek Him [Acts 17:26-28].
But they refused to repent and glorify him. [Revelation 16:9] Continue reading ‘repent or refuse?’ »