
So what do you think…
If you are not a disciple, you are not a christian!
“Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.” (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)
A disciple is a student, a learner, an apprentice, one who is determined to be like their master.
How good of a student are you, how eager to learn are you, how determined of an apprentice are you?
What practical, intentional steps are you taking to be more like Jesus?
What kind of christian, what kind of disciple, are you?

simply assisting God

Poem by Piet Hein (1905-1996)

I am a humble artist moulding my earthly clod, adding my labour to nature’s simply assisting God. Not that my effort is needed; yet somehow I understand, my maker has willed it that I too should have unmoulded clay in my hand.

just the gospels?

“Would Christians today be different if we only had the four Gospels to interpret? What if all we had to look at over all these centuries were the four accounts of Christ’s life? Would we be better Christians on the streets? I think we probably would. Sure we would be missing a depth of rich theology about Christ through Paul, John, Peter, and a few others, but ‘What would Jesus do?’ would not be a wristband we wear but the constant attention of our lives. We would live like Jesus!” (Halter, Smay, The Tangible Kingdom, p.20)
Though it would be hard to understand most of the Gospels without the OT background or the NT commentary, there is something to this question.
So many of our doctrinal debates sidetrack us away from Jesus to secondary or unimportant teachings.
What if we focused on Jesus’ life, teaching and example, His sacrifice for others and His call to join Him in sacrifice for others.
What if we remained fuzzy and uncertain about many hot button issues, but were absolutely clear on the beatitudes?
What do you think?

a good question

“How long has it been since you knew someone who came to faith for the first time? I’m not talking about in a youth group setting or in a children’s church. I’m talking about an adult who had no idea about God but who has since found faith in Christ and rearranged his or her entire life around His? (Hugh Halter, Matt May, The Tangible Kingdom, p.11)
I know it happens, but I’ve never known someone like this.
How about you?

one more year

Recently I have been struggling with Crossroads’ future.
We’ve been working here for three years, and yet we are struggling financially, and our weekly attendance is slowly going down, and there are still few kids coming to our Sunday morning KidZone…
And yet we are a part of some amazing opportunities in the school where we meet – Gym Nights, Family Fun Day, Healthy Snacks, volunteering, supporting struggling families, hosting Serve – we are definitely fulfilling our ministry goal of blessing the students, staff and families of Bolton C. Falby Public School.
As we head into another ‘partnership campaign’ where we invite people to commit and invest in our mission and vision, do I have the hope and strength to persevere for another year?
Last month I was drifting towards a negative answer, when God spoke to me loud and clear. Continue reading ‘one more year’ »

“Sermons We See”

by Edgar Guest

I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day;
I’d rather one should walk with me than merely tell the way.

The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear,
Fine counsel is confusing, but example’s always clear;

And the best of all the preachers are the men who live their creeds,
For to see good put in action is what everybody needs. Continue reading ‘“Sermons We See”’ »