warning labels

So apparently the human race has developed to such a impressive state that we need to be reminded of the obvious…
The following are warning labels, for our own protection:
“Remove child before folding” — a warning label on a baby stroller
“Does not supply oxygen” — a label on a common dust mask
“Never operate your speakerphone while driving” – on a hands-free cell phone product called the “Drive ‘N’ Talk”!
“Danger: Avoid Death” — a warning label on a small tractor
“Harmful if swallowed” — a warning on a brass fishing lure with a three-pronged hook
“This product moves when used” — a warning on a popular children’s scooter
“This product is not intended for use as a dental drill” – warning label on a rotary tool
“May cause drowsiness” — a warning label for Nytol One-a-Night sleeping aids

how would you respond?

OK, so let me start by warning you, this video contains several references to b.s.
The reason for posting this is because it lets us know how people perceive our message.
Even if we would argue it is not our message, this is how many people understand what we are saying.
It doesn’t help to get angry, or to dismiss such people as extremes or servants of Satan.
Let this video challenge you to think about how we communicate the message of Jesus.
If you had an opportunity to sit down with George Carlin, what would you say?

passing the temptation test

So here are some kids who are being tempted.
Notice how they try to resist, then bit by bit give in to temptation.
Or how they try to sneak ‘just a nibble’, hoping to get away with it.
Then there is the one who does not even bother to wait – better one now than two later.
Think about how you go through this same thing, how sometimes ‘just a nibble’ is the frist step down a slippery slope.
What is it that is tempting for you?

the Muslim Jesus

We are learning about what our Muslim neighbours believe, and it is very interesting.
One of the startling discoveries is how prominent Jesus is in Islam, and in the Koran (over 150 references, including the virgin birth and the miracles… more mention than Mohammed).
At our last session we watched this video clip (Part 1), very informative!
It’s too bad that I cannot find Part 2!
The critical difference, it seems to me, is that they see Jesus as a teacher (or Prophet, one of 25), but Jesus followers see Him as Lord and Saviour and Teacher!

how people repent today

The following prayer offers a satirical look at our shallow view of sin. This superficial prayer is based on a modern “overhaul” of a traditional public confession of sin found in the Book of Common Prayer.

Benevolent and easy-going Parent: We have occasionally had some minor errors of judgment, but they’re not really our fault. Due to forces beyond our control, we have sometimes failed to act in accordance with our own best interests. Under the circumstances, we did the best we could. We are glad to say that we’re doing okay, perhaps even slightly above average. Be your own sweet Self with those who know they are not perfect. Grant us that we may continue to live a harmless and happy life and keep our self-respect. And we ask all these things according to the unlimited tolerances which we have a right to expect from you. Amen.

Adapted from David Head, He Sent Leanness (Macmillan, 1959), p. 19

a call to worship

Imagine being a witness to the creation.
The YouTube video below gives you a limited sense of what Genesis 1 describes.
We need to remember that there is no way our puny minds could grasp HOW God created the world.
Moses may have received this as a vision or a dream, and I can imagine him (like John in the book of Revelation) being in the spirit (out of body) observing this poetic vision of God creating the world.

praying for… refugees, abusers, victims of violence

Today as I read Matthew 2:13-18, I felt the Lord prompting me to pray.
To pray for refugees (like Jesus and His family), for abusers (like Herod) and for victims of violence (like the parents of the slaughtered children).
The following prayers are adapted from prayers I found on the internet.
Please join in prayer as well, for these things still happen today!

A Prayer for Refugees
Almighty and merciful God, whose Son became a refugee and had no place to call his own;
look with mercy on those who today are fleeing from danger, homeless and hungry. Continue reading ‘praying for… refugees, abusers, victims of violence’ »

dreams lead to Jesus!

I am reflecting on Matthew 2, where God uses dreams to speak to people.
And it reminded me of something that I once heard years ago (in the early 90s), which is apparently still true today.
Jesus is appearing to Muslims in dreams, and leading them to reach out to them.
Not Christians, not the church, not missionaries from the west… Jesus Himself is revealing Himself to them.
This is but one video clip among many on YouTube that speaks to this!

Jesus Christ… for all religions!

“Consider the possibility that Jesus Christ is in an unparalleled position
to offer spiritual help for all people, regardless of their religious background.

Think of it. A rabbi to the Jews, a prophet to the Muslims, an avatar to the Hindus,
an enlightened one to Buddhists, the Son of God to Christians,
a wise teacher to secularists, and “a friend of sinners” for the rest of us.”

(Bruxy Cavey, The End of Religion, pp.11-12)