Butterfly fly away

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

Please note: I have parental permission to use this child’s name and photo for this particular post* 

11667878_10155699368755697_447215486_nA child can bring so much warmth and laughter to your soul if you let them. It all started when little miss Ava started my room at only 7 months old. On her first day, she looked away from her mother and entered the environment of which she would spend most of her days at. Carefully crawling to the toy shelf, the book centre, and to the Elmo riding toy (which is her favourite toy). Ava wanted to explore each and every area of the room. She occasionally looked back at her mother for a reassuring smile, and continued to explore. Continue reading ‘Butterfly fly away’ »

He loved me first

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

1-John-4-19As followers, I know that we are called to love. It was one of Jesus’s top commandments that He really emphasized in hopes that we would first learn it, process it, and live it out. This is a blog on the why I do what I do, and because of Who that there is even a why.

One of my favourite things to do is go out for coffee with people. I love everything about it. The meeting up, grabbing a table in the corner, hands wrapped around a warm drink (typically anything sweet) and the promise of a conversation ready to unfold. It truly never gets old for me. It’s through coffee, stories start to unfold, and deeper truths rise to the surface. The permission to be truly “real”. Continue reading ‘He loved me first’ »

Being Chosen

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

Hardships often prepare ordinary people for extraordinary destinies.” – C.S. Lewis When I was growing up, I always had to explain to other kids why I didn’t look like my parents. Why I had dark brown eyes, and olive skin instead of blue eyes and lighter skin like my brothers. While some kids would poke fun (because they didn’t understand) and said things like I probably got picked out of a garbage can somewhere in a dark corner. I would walk around with my head held high saying, “I’m the chosen one, I’m the chosen one”.  Continue reading ‘Being Chosen’ »

Beacon of light

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.


“Beyond the trees, there’s always light… Sometimes, I just wonder why we were put on this earth in the first place, just so that we can suffer? I’m just so emotionally drained and tired of fighting to get by.”

This was the text message a friend of mine said to me last night. As I read it, part of me hoped I could come up with some deep reasoning that would provide some answers which would leave her with some sort of comfort such as encouraging words like “hang on, it gets better, keep going”. Part of me also knew exactly what she meant. Even though her and I face two completely different struggles at the moment and we both can’t say we truly understand what the other person is going through, it all comes down to us both needing the same thing, hope. Needing a beacon of light to shine through the darkness. I knew at that moment, telling her to hang on, it gets better, keep going, would not be the words she needed so desperately to hear. Continue reading ‘Beacon of light’ »

Seasons change

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

season-change“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Ecclesiastes 3:1You know those times when you feel like you forgot or lost something? You can look high and low, right and left, and everywhere else by retracing your last steps, but just can’t seem to find what you are looking for? This often happens to me when it’s in the context of misplacing my phone and keys. But, what about those time’s you don’t feel that God is close by, and you search high and low, and retrace your steps, but He is no where to be found? Has He just forgotten us, and left us here to deal with the cards life deals out to us? This week, I have grown to seeing God in a different capacity. Seasons change, but God remains forever the same.  Continue reading ‘Seasons change’ »

How great is Your faithfulness

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

This week marks one year since I have started working at my job at Big Hearts Childcare Centre. It has been a privilege to walk through the various twists and turns that this year has brought. I have hiked up to some of the tallest peaks in life with my co-workers and been at the lowest in the valley with them through difficult times taking one day at time. We have found ourselves all but lost in the densest forests, not sure which way to go next, all of the elements seemingly against us. We have had the opportunity to walk alongside others, seeing incredible breakthroughs, friendships, and leaps of faith take shape even during what appeared to be impossible. How great is Your faithfulness. Continue reading ‘How great is Your faithfulness’ »

The day after Sunday

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

index-backgroundMy Pastor on Sunday asked the congregation to raise their hand if they are part of a Ministry of some sort. A few of us did raise our hands when the question was asked. Long story made short. The goal or possible outcome, was for at the end of his message was that all of us would be able to raise our hands, based on being part of more than just a “Sunday” morning ministry. (You can check it out here once it is posted on-line to get the full idea, www.crossroadsinajax.org) Anyhow…  Continue reading ‘The day after Sunday’ »

More than a feeling

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

I grew up in love with the country way of life . It started off with listening to famous country artists such as Garth Brooks, Dolly Parton, Brad Paisley, Reba Mcentire and so on. When I first started high school, I was the one that owned every Taylor Swift CD there was. Most of my friends came from big cities, and never understood the small country girl that I was. How I would pick four wheeling over parties, how I would go fishing in the pond instead of dating boys, and how I spent most of time sitting outside covered in mud and dirt. Something about the air, the scenery and the trucks. From Dodge to Fords, to Chevy. I loved the country.  Continue reading ‘More than a feeling’ »

Putting down the magazine

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing. Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

talia1She stands in the grocery line getting her usual coconut water and strawberries, when something catches her eye at the front counter. She knows the voice ringing in her head tells her not to pick it up. Move along. Move along. Move along. But it’s too late. The magazine is already in her hands and she’s flipping through the pages. She sees the beautiful girls with flawless bodies and deep down she wishes she could look like her.  In case you haven’t figured it out. I’m talking about me. This week God has been challenging me to vow to put down the magazine. And this is not an easy thing for me. Continue reading ‘Putting down the magazine’ »

Living out an extraordinary life!

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing. Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

Jesus followers, we are called to be different. To live in such a radical way that others are asking the question, why? Why does she do that? Throughout my deeper reflections this week, I have felt the Spirit urging me to live out this calling, to go from my ordinary self to living an extraordinary life. So that when I speak, for when I love, for when I care, others can see that there is something different about the way I live my life. To seek real opportunities in order to be the salt and light of Christ through my everyday actions where others one day might ask the question, “Why does she do that?”
Continue reading ‘Living out an extraordinary life!’ »