Because of Jesus!!!

Positive thinking is not enough to change your life.
Just saying these sentences does not make them come true.
But when you believe in a Good God behind all reality…
Then these statements, anchored in God, can change your life.
These things are true because God makes them true, because of Jesus.
Behind every statement, add the words ‘because of Jesus!’
Because Jesus is there with us through every situation and struggle.
Trusting God is not a guarantee of an easy life… ask Jesus.
Jesus went through suffering, death and hell.
Through it all He believed these things because He trusted God.
He lived, suffered, died – and rose again – WITH us and FOR us.
Keep telling yourself this as you go through your trials.
He paved the way for us to follow Him.
Set your mind on these things, because of Jesus.
Tell yourself these things each day, because of Jesus.
Write them on cards or post-it notes, because of Jesus.
The are signs of the Saviour Who has experienced them!
They are reminders of the God Who guarantees them.
They are promises of the triumph you will one day experience too…
Because of Jesus!

Dancing in the rain?

So what do you think of this quote?
If we wait to dance when things get better, will we never dance?
Is dancing a way of denying the storm, being in self-denial?
Or is a dancing spirit a sign of faith, hope and love… God’s Spirit in us?
I think of Jesus resting in the boat during the storm.
He wasn’t dancing with His body, but maybe slowing dancing with His Spirit?
Refusing to let the rhythm of fear dictate His moves.
Refusing to let the struggle of doubt determine His mood.
Sensing in each rain drop the loving tears of God in the midst of your storm.
Allowing the wind of God’s Spirit to drive you…
And not the wind of circumstance, negativity or despair.
In all the noise, take time to pause and listen for God’s music.
See Him with His hand outstretched to you, inviting you to dance.

God shows up… through us!

Received this from someone today. A good reminder that God made us to be His representatives, His hands and feet. God is not doing nothing in the world today, He is working through those who are showing up, who are loving and serving and caring and sharing. And He is encouraging others – like you and me – to join in. Let’s make God visible today!

we often ask

Survey: Daily prayer and bible reading?

graphThis past Sunday I surveyed our congregation about their daily prayer and bible reading.
Forty people responded:
— 19 said YES/YES
— 16 said NO/YES
— 5 said NO/NO
These results are both encouraging, and an encouragement to find ways to help those who feel it is important but are not doing it yet.
As to why people do not think it is important, I would be curious to know their reasons.
But maybe I need to start by saying why I do think it is important.
Maybe you can help.
Tell me why you think daily prayer and bible reading are important.

Survey: What is a disciple?

This past Sunday I surveyed our congregation with this question: what is a disciple? The call of Jesus is to make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). But if we do not know what a disciple is, how can we make them. If we as a church do not have the same idea of what a disciple is, how can we make them together? The answers below are a starting point, but we will need to unpack them some more if we are going to do a better job of making disciples. Continue reading ‘Survey: What is a disciple?’ »

Discussion: Am I already healed?

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” (Luke 4:18-19)
When speaking in Nazareth, Jesus quotes Isaiah 61:1-2, and then makes the remarkable claim, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:21)
Jesus proclaims good news to the poor.
Jesus proclaims freedom from prison and oppression.
Jesus proclaims healing for the blind.
Jesus proclaims the time of God’s favour.
The good news now is: I am forgiven! I am free!
But does this mean that the good news now is also: I am healed!? Continue reading ‘Discussion: Am I already healed?’ »

Psalm 13 – Coming to life

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

NOTE: Talia is participating in our “Summer In The Psalms” bible reading initiative. This story shows how God speaks through scripture in amazing ways, not only to us but also through us!

 Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops—at all” – Emily Dickenson

6700dac87a06358055958f6d8108831dA friend had called me out of the blue to meet up for coffee early this morning. At first, I so quickly wanted to turn down the invitation. I haven’t been feeling well the last couple days (kids are germ machines) and could barely think straight enough, if yet, long enough to maintain a full on conversation. It was then I felt the spirit nudging me reminding me gently of the day to day opportunities to truly be His hands and feet, and I got this feeling that I needed to be there for someone, regardless of how crappy I myself felt. Continue reading ‘Psalm 13 – Coming to life’ »

The issue of gossiping

Talia Biel is a member at Crossroads Church. She is a sincere Jesus follower with a gift for connecting her faith to real life, and for sharing that through her writing.  Check out her blog “Holding On To Faith.

Igossip-hurts-500x281 had a friend recently ask me to write on the issue of “gossiping” and as a “Christian” on how to deal with it.  I am no pro but I think Christian or not, gossiping can be one of the most harmful and destructive issues that destroy relationships. It is an issue that arises in many social gatherings, churches, and in the workplace. Below is a list of ten things I have put together on how to deal with this issue and some steps to take to bring others up, not down. Continue reading ‘The issue of gossiping’ »