Look what I did!!!

Being Dutch, I am too cheap to hire a plumber. So when the P-drain snapped off from rust, I was determined to fix it myself. What you see here is the finished result, and its not leaking! Some of you may be snickering, ‘that’s not a big job’… or ‘that’s not the right way!’ Nevermind, I did it myself, and it worked.

Some jobs should be left to the professionals (don’t attempt a root canal on your own). But Jesus did not intend to leave the business of the church in the hands of professionals. He took ordinary, unschooled disciples and trained them to continue His work (Acts 4:13).

The task of showing and sharing God’s love is not the minister’s job. You don’t have to be ordained by the church, you are ordained by the Spirit. The gift of the Spirit is to equip disciples to be Jesus’ witnesses (Acts 1:8). The task of church leaders is to equip disciples for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).

I’m not saying it is easy, and I’m not saying that you will always do it correctly. As for the P-Drain, it took many trips to Home Depot, and several calls to my brother for advice. But when it comes to sharing and showing God’s love like Jesus, you can do it too!

Stop thinking that its up to church professionals or church programs to do this! You are the church, and with Jesus you have the power to bless others in His Name. Simple words and acts of kindness are more effective than all the professionals and programs put together. Humbly knowing God’s grace to you, and humbly showing God’s grace to others – THIS is the work of the church.

Jesus follower, be encouraged! You can fix a P-drain too. And you can be a powerful witness to Jesus and His love!!!

Staged or real?

As part of the process of selling our home, our house has been staged. In the above photo you can see part of our staged bedroom. The pictures, chair, wine glasses, blankets, etc… none of this is ours. Our whole house looks and feels so ‘nice’, yet so fake.

I left the closet open for a reason, that IS our stuff, that IS us. We’ve stuffed our reality in the closet, only letting you see what we want you to see.

Can you see where this story is going, what the analogy is for following Jesus? Are we not guilty of staging our own lives, putting on a good show before others. We do not want people to see our real stuff, so we hide that in the closet. Living a staged life, like living in a staged house, is hard and unsatisfying. The truth is not so easily hidden, and eventually people see what you got in the closet.

Jesus came to clean out the closet, to make us clean on the inside. “You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and self-indulgence… First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.” (Matthew 23:25-26) Jesus is not looking at my public performance – going to church, giving money, good deeds. He’s not that impressed with my stage show as a minister on Sunday mornings… He’s looking in my closet.

Until we face what we’re hiding in our closets, life will be hard and unsatisfying. When we’re honest about our ‘stuff’, then we can discover the wonder of Jesus’ gracious love. We will also help others to see that they’re no worse than us, and there’s grace for them too! Our world needs more REAL Jesus followers, not more STAGED ones.

Only with His help!

When I was a wee child, only just 6 years old, I made a Go-Cart. I had no money, so I put my creativity to work. Using jam jar lids for wheels and nails for axles, I assembled my very own Go-Cart. The idea was brilliant, or so it seemed at the time. Obviously, the whole thing collapsed under my weight, and I had to go back to the drawing board.

This past weekend I celebrated my 51st birthday. My son Nathan (who always loved this story) decided to gift me with a replica Go-Cart. This was how the Go-Cart was SUPPOSED to work… I’ll let you figure out how we made this one to work.

As a Jesus follower, I am still that creative child. I’ve explored many brilliant (and not so brilliant) ways to live the Jesus life. But what I am learning most is that my IDEAS cannot carry the weight of living this life. My strategies and efforts are like jam jar lids, they collapse underneath me. This is exactly what I have discovered through trial and error: unless Jesus and His Spirit lift me and hold me, I will collapse.

Maybe by now you have figured out how I made this Go-Cart work. If not for the solid 2×4 supports hidden beneath it, it too would collapse. Jesus is my solid support hidden beneath me. Only He can make my life as a Jesus follower fruitful. There’s nothing wrong with being creative, and devising ways to grow as a Jesus follower. But through it all, always remember: “Remain in me, as I also remain in you… apart from me you can do nothing..” (John 15:4-5)

Following Jesus — changes everything!

Actually, I think I disagree.
Yes, hollow worship is harmless and risk free.
But true worship, in spirit and truth, actually changes everything too.
I would argue that worshipping Jesus and following Jesus are the same thing.
But we have too narrow a definition of worship; we think of singing songs.
Paul spoke of offering our bodies as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2).
If we worshipped like this, everything would change!!!

Jesus calling!

“Trust me, and don’t be afraid.
Many things feel out of control.
Your routines are not running smoothly.
You tend to feel more secure when your life is predictable.
Let me lead you to the rock that is higher than you and your circumstances.
Take refuge in the shelter of My wings, where you are absolutely secure.
When you are shaken out of your comfortable routines,
Grip My hand tightly and look for growth opportunities.
Instead of bemoaning the loss of comfort, accept the challenge of something new.
I lead you on from glory to glory, making you fit for My kingdom.
Say yes to the ways I am working in your life.
Trust me, and don’t be afraid.”
Jesus Calling, Sarah Young, Apr 15 Reading

These are the words the Lord gave to Valerie and I on Saturday (Apr 15).
We were in turmoil about answering a call from the Lord.
He prompted her to read this, and it spoke to both of us — clearly!
Called to accept the challenge of something new!
Calling accepted!

A reason to weep!

“Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.” (Galatians 3:1)
I remember watching Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” (2004) in the theatre. As Jesus’ suffering and death was clearly portrayed before me, I wept like a baby. It was not just that I was sickened by the violence and gore… I was. I was sickened by the sin that could cause such pain, that could do such a thing.

And it brought to mind how much violence and gore continue to happen in the world today. How have we collectively become such monsters, that we could commit such atrocities. And even if I am not guilty of such horrific crimes, what about the ways I do hurt others. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, I have hurt people with my words and actions. Or by my silence and inaction.

The suffering and crucifixion of Jesus show us how ugly and terrible the sin we inflict on God and creation is. If I weep at a movie, how much more does God weep as He daily endures all the violence and gore that occurs. Only love can explain why He does not give up on us, why He willingly endures our terrible acts.

Since that first time, I’ve tried to watch the Passion again, but I cannot stomach it. Yet we must face it, we must realize how bad sin really is, if we want to see how amazing grace is. For the cross not only reveals the horror of sin, it also reveals the wonder of grace. In Christ God embraces us in our violence and gore, shame and misery; He joins us in our curse. “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us.” (Galatians 3:13) That He should love me – and you – this much, is also something we must face… and embrace.

“God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) If sin makes us weep (and so it should), how much more should His amazing mercy and love have us weeping like a baby.

Today is a good day to weep.