speaking of church… NOT!

Here is another word game. See if you can go a whole week without using the word “church”. You can use words that mean the same thing, just try not using the word itself.

I was thinking about this when I was looking at how Jesus spoke about the church. He only used the word on two occasions in His 3 year ministry. Once He spoke about… Continue reading ‘speaking of church… NOT!’ »

12 reasons for “Jesus follower”

John Smulo gives his reasons why he prefers the term “Jesus follower”. — Norm

Here are some of the reasons why I normally refer to myself as a ‘Jesus-follower’.

  1. It centers on Jesus.
  2. It implies action.
  3. It raises questions rather than answers.
  4. It encourages further understanding and exploration.
  5. It points others to Someone beyond myself to look to. Continue reading ‘12 reasons for “Jesus follower”’ »

11 reasons against “christian”

John Smulo gives his reasons why he does not like the term “christian”. — Norm

Words have meaning because we give them meaning. Sometimes particular words lose meaning. Other times they take on new meanings that are loaded. “Christian” is a word that has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used, and who is using it. Below you will find a list of reasons why I struggle with the term “Christian” to represent faith in Jesus. Continue reading ‘11 reasons against “christian”’ »

all about Jesus

“We have come to see that it is all about Jesus and not just a methodology. It is not about mission, not about church, but its about Jesus and his glory, his life. To know Jesus is not an event, a ritual, a creed, or a religion. It is a journey of trust and adventure. We don’t believe in any religion anymore – including Christianity – but we do believe in following Jesus. We no longer need religion with its special buildings, dogmas, programs, clergy, or any other human inventions that displace genuine spirituality. Why do we need a name and address to be church? We’ve come out of religion and back to God.” (Jonathan Campbell, Seattle)

missional home buying

As we’ve just been through the home-buying process, I found this article very interesting. It made me consider even more how we need to look with the eyes of Jesus wherever we live. — Norm

Ten ways to engage mission in the suburbs
By David Fitch [Tuesday, May 20, 2008]
As we have been looking at houses, praying over the neighborhoods, seeking where we might buy a house, I have walked the neighborhoods trying to open my eyes to where mission could be engaged. I find the suburbs difficult for mission. Continue reading ‘missional home buying’ »

asleep in the light?

Check out he following video clip from YouTube based on the song “Asleep In The Light” by Keith Green. It is a very convicting song, and some of the images are very appropriate. Printed below the video are the lyrics for further reflection.

How can you be so dead when you’ve been so well fed
Jesus rose from the grave, and you, you can’t even get out of bed.

The question to answer is, is this too negative, or is it right on the mark? Continue reading ‘asleep in the light?’ »

more people following Jesus

I’ve been checking out the web, and discovering that more people are looking into the idea of “following Jesus”, or being a “Jesusfollower”. Here is a sampling:

I’d better stop. I make no claim that any of these are any good, or that mine is any better. Just curious to see how others are attempting to heed Jesus’ invitation to “follow Me”.

why do I need SOAP?

For me, life without SOAP stinks, in more ways than one.
Beyond the customary shower every morning, I always need to be washed in the Voice of the Lord.
The Bible is a place where I meet with God, and I hear His Voice.
Not ‘hear’ in the audible sense, but receiving a message from Him deep within me.
The passage that I read is the specific meeting space, and as I read, the passage reads me.
There is usually one thing (often more) that jumps out at me, that I can apply to my own heart and life.
And that one thing which touches me deep (if I allow it), is the Voice of God to me. Continue reading ‘why do I need SOAP?’ »

this is a test!

OK, this is not that big of a test… but it is a test.
We may not get the house we were hoping to get, afterall.
There’s a second offer going in with ours, through the listing agent.
In the few days since we decided to go for this house, we’ve become somewhat attached to it.
Not because its the best house, but it meets all the hopes that we go into this with.
And now my theory that God works everything out for a good purpose is being put to the test.
Do I really believe that if God wants us there, He’ll get us there…
and if we shouldn’t be there, then He’ll make sure of it!
Can I trust Him, that He will provide the right place at the right time? Continue reading ‘this is a test!’ »


I found this quote at another site called “jesusfollower”, and it left me wondering, am I being pretentious?

Sometimes I’ve wondered if the name of this blog could be taken as being pretentious. I certainly don’t feel worthy of the title “Jesus Follower”… and I recognize that there are many who have breathed, are breathing, and will breathe that will be much more deserving of this label. But I really do want to be a follower of Jesus. It’s what my life is ultimately about… and I am just one of many millions who are trying to live this way. So that’s what this site is for… my attempt to think on what it means to be a follower of Jesus in this world.

You can check out Ken Castor’s site here. And I want to echo what he says here… its not that I am better as a Jesus follower than those who call themselves christians. Its just that I really, really, really want to be a Jesus follower, and know how far I am from it!