stubborn heart

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 16:1-13


  1. Another difficult passage. If I read it correctly, the Lord is saying to Jeremiah, don’t get married, don’t have children, don’t mourn with those who mourn and and don’t celebrate with those who celebrate. Why? Because the coming disaster is discipline from God, and it will be awful. The only way I can make sense of this is if I remember this is AFTER years and years of warnings, and AFTER horrific and violent and perverse sinfulness. God is not being petty, He is addressing serious issues that are having serious consequences. Continue reading ‘stubborn heart’ »

missionary blues

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 15:12-21


  1. This passage contains the message of God’s judgment [15:1-9,12-14] and the struggle of Jeremiah as the messenger [15:10-11,15-21]. Jeremiah was called and equipped to be God’s messenger, but his job was not easy, and here he breaks down before God, wishing that he was never even born [10]. This reminds me that being a missionary (messenger) is no easy task, and that maybe I too one day will wish I was never born?!?!?!? Continue reading ‘missionary blues’ »

dorothy on leadership

This article raises interesting and challenging thoughts on leadership today. N.S.

“How a Movie from our Childhood Can Help us Understand the Changing Nature of Leadership in the Postmodern Transition” By Brian D. McLaren

OK, I admit it. I spent most of the 80’s and early 90’s wishing I could be just like Bill Hybels, Rick Warren, or John Maxwell. They were successful. They appeared unflinchingly confident. They were powerful, knowledgeable, larger than life. I’d go to their seminars, and return home feeling wildly inspired and mildly depressed. How could I feel those two things at the same time? If you’ve attended their seminars, you probably don’t need me to explain.

To read the rest of this article, click here.

identifying with Jesus

Eddie Gibbs and Ryan Bolger have been studying the emerging churches movement (if you don’t know what it is, read the book, its hard to explain). As I read their book I am finding that, apart from some occasional discomfort on how emerging churches apply their ideas, I am often resonating with what they stand for. The first core practice that they demonstrate is… Continue reading ‘identifying with Jesus’ »

taking my booth with me

Wow, not only have I been in Port Perry for 10 years, the first Tim Horton’s here in Port Perry is also celebrating their 10th anniversary. But now I am leaving… For the last 10 years I have been going to Tim Horton’s almost every morning for my own quiet time, sitting in the same booth. But now that I am leaving, that period in my life will end. At least at this Tim Hortons. Continue reading ‘taking my booth with me’ »

help me with my sermon

This coming Sunday [June 8, 2008] I am planning on speaking on Luke 10:25-37, the parable of the Good Samaritan. Its one of the readings this week from the SOAP Bible Reading plan (June 4). Feel free to share your thoughts on what the MAIN point of this passage is, or on questions that you might have. By myself I often miss things, but when others help me look at a passage, the Lord speaks in stereo! Continue reading ‘help me with my sermon’ »

what’s my beef with ‘church’

Some of you may have sensed that I have a bit of a beef with ‘church’. I probably need to clarify, its not so much with a specific church (I love my present church, and also my new church). My beef is with the concept of church as it has been distorted from its original meaning and purpose. I really resonate with the book by Dan Kimball, “They Like Jesus But Not The Church” (which I would recommend by the way, click the image for details). So what are some of my concerns? Continue reading ‘what’s my beef with ‘church’’ »


We commissioned our new church leaders [Sunday, June 1, 2008] and I used the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28. Some of the observations and applications I made were:

  1. Paul writes this letter to a part of Jesus’ missionary team in Thessalonica, a new community of Jesus followers facing great persecution yet standing firm.
  2. He urges them to respect their leaders, as a part of his instructions to persevere with integrity through persecution. If we are to demonstrate the way of Jesus to the surrounding culture, one way that we do that is by how we relate to those in authority over us.
  3. I asked those present (a) whether they had ever served as leaders (b) whether they had ever been criticized as leaders, and (c) whether they had ever been critical of other leaders. Continue reading ‘r.e.s.p.e.c.t.’ »