latest update from Tim

thank you very much for your support
the first week has been a little difficult adjusting to the differences around here. we had our orientation week this week and got to know the area we will be working in. we are just getting ready to leave for our homestays this weekend me and kelly will both be staying with pastor Fernando and his family. we met with some local christian indians called the tarahumara and went to one of there worship services. during this week we have found many interesting creatures in our house. there was a black widow spider by the bathroom. 3 scorpions 1 on the couch one on the ground and 1 in the bathroom and we also found a turanchilla on the couch. internet access is a little sketchy down here so i will try to keep you updated as much as possible but no gauruntee’s

ultimate clash of kingdoms

SCRIPTURE: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12


  1. When God’s world (kingdom) was thrust into the chaos and misery of sin, it began a process of slow but certain destruction. Because of sin, everything is devolving towards everlasting destruction. Only God’s restraining Spirit is keeping sin from fully unraveling His creation. But the Spirit will not restrain evil forever, everything is moving to the final crisis/judgment, when sin will be fully realized in the epitome of evil, ‘the man of lawlessness’. Jesus is on the throne, and all things are working out according to His plan, but His plan include the final battle between Himself as God’s champion, and the ‘the man doomed to destruction’. Continue reading ‘ultimate clash of kingdoms’ »

pics of Tim on facebook

Tim has been posting some pictures on his facebook page, but you do need to sign up with Facebook to see them. We are still waiting for an email update, but we did get this personal email:

“We are slowly getting the internet figured out but we are definatly having our problems we have been working on the internet since 2 and it is now 6 and it is just working. we are slowly getting used to the time change but me and kelly are still extremely tired. Continue reading ‘pics of Tim on facebook’ »

kingdom living

SCRIPTURE: 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12


  1. God’s plan is to restore His creation (His world, His Kingdom) that was thrust into chaos and misery by human rebellion. Jesus is the promised messiah who comes to accomplish this. To accept Jesus is to accept His role, as well as His way, to submit to His will as our sovereign. Jesus restores the kingdom not by military or political revolution but by character reformation, transforming selfish individuals to selfless, God and neighbouring loving servants. The Thessalonians accepted this message, and despite ridicule and persecution, persevered in live God’s way in this mixed up world. This is why Paul is so ‘pumped’ about them. Continue reading ‘kingdom living’ »

rejecting the messenger

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 18:13-23


  1. This passage reflects God’s shock and surprise that His people have rejected Him, after all that He has been and done for them. It seems impossible that they could reject Him, as impossible as the snow melting on the mountain heights in Lebanon, or the rivers drying up. “Yet my people have forgotten me”. I suppose the Lord must shake His head at me at certain times when I do the same, after all that He has been and done for me. Continue reading ‘rejecting the messenger’ »

in the potter’s hands

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 18:1-12


  1. God speaks through an ordinary potter, working with clay. God still speaks this way, if we slow down and pay attention. Through the birds of the air, a mustard seed, a fig tree, a farmer planting seed. Or else through a sunrise, a bridge, a cake in the oven, a unexpected gift, the changing of the seasons, etc. All things were made by the Word of God (John 1), which means that all things are a communication from God… if we pay attention and listen. Continue reading ‘in the potter’s hands’ »

living out of sabbath rest

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 17:19-27


  1. The sabbath (Hebrew for ‘to cease, to rest’) was a special day at the end of each week designed to remind God’s people that they depended on Him (and not on their hard work), to give them a taste of freedom from the curse of sin, and to point them forward to the coming eternal life in God’s restored paradise/kingdom. It became a real test of the state of their heart-relationship with God. To work on the sabbath day was the same as saying: ‘we don’t need or trust God, we will take care of ourselves and meet our needs by our efforts!’ Continue reading ‘living out of sabbath rest’ »

God’s way or else

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 17:1-18


  1. This section is divided into two parts, the description of the way of sin vs. the way of God [1-13] and Jeremiah’s prayer [14-18].
  2. The way of sin involves rejecting/disobeying God, relying on our own ways and thoughts and abilities, and the consequence (judgment) of choosing our own way. Trying to find happiness, health, success, blessing, peace, etc. in our own ways, by our own strength, will ultimately end up in failure. We will dry up like a bush in a barren wilderness. Continue reading ‘God’s way or else’ »

mercy always wins

SCRIPTURE: Jeremiah 16:14-21


  1. Right in the middle of dire warnings of judgment, there lies this promise, that God will one day rescue and restore His people [14-15]. His plan has always been to establish a people for Himself and the world, a people who would bless the nations (not follow them), and point them back to God. God does not abandon His plan, and we see how in Jesus He ultimately fulfills this plan. Continue reading ‘mercy always wins’ »