sorrow for Jerusalem

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:31-35


  1. Some Pharisees warn Jesus that Herod wants to kill Him. He should run! Jesus is not worried. He will keep on doing the work that is set for Him to do.
  2. Jesus says tell Herod I am going to keep on driving out demons and healing people until it is time to go to Jerusalem. He knows He will die in Jerusalem at His time. Continue reading ‘sorrow for Jerusalem’ »

another warning

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:22-30


  1. Jesus replies to a question with another warning. You have to make an effort to enter God’s Kingdom! Some people will be in -some people won’t. Once the door is closed you won’t be able to get in.
  2. What a shock if you thought you were a Jesus follower but you weren’t. You had gone to church, taught Sunday school, donated to evangelism, fed the hungry, been honest, but you die and the door is closed! Jesus sadly says, “I do not know you”. Continue reading ‘another warning’ »

are you growing the kingdom?

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:18-21


  1. A small amount of yeast leavens several cups of flour. A tiny seed eventually grows into a tree that can even give shelter to birds. Little things can have a big effect.
  2. Jesus is comparing this to the growth of God’s Kingdom. What is He saying? First one grain of truth hits our heart and we begin to grow in our relationship with God. Gradually we learn more and become stronger in our faith and can have a good effect on those around us. Continue reading ‘are you growing the kingdom?’ »

healing on the sabbath – yes!

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:10-17


  1. This woman was so crippled that she could not look up. How sad! After 18 years and probably never expecting to be well, Jesus heals her. How amazing! How wonderful! Did she straighten up and look first into Jesus welcoming face? What a blessing! We read she gave glory to God. Continue reading ‘healing on the sabbath – yes!’ »

unless you turn to God

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 13:1-9


  1. Jesus uses two current news stories to call the hearers to account about something we often think – and He gives a warning. We sometimes think that when bad things happen to people they deserve it. God allows the catastrophe because the victims were so bad! Jesus says neither the murdered Galileans nor those accidentally killed by the falling tower were worse sinners than anyone else. (Today, neither the drug related, stabbing victim in Halifax nor the family who died in a fire were more evil people than anyone else.) Jesus doesn’t even discuss why/how what happened. He uses the sad news to say everyone needs to repent and turn to God or we too will perish. Continue reading ‘unless you turn to God’ »

update from Tim

Our homestay with pastor fernando went well. me and kelly got to go to the same place the language barrier was kind of hard but me and kelly are taking spanish lessons and slowly learning a little bit it was really nice and cool today and a bit of rain. hey you know how it was supposed to never rain here well out of 8 days we’ve had rain 6 out of 8 days. anyways its 12:30 where you are now and you should probably be sleeping so have a good week and hope to hear from you soon… love you, Tim

garbage collector for Jesus

SCRIPTURE: 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18


  1. Maybe some of the believers were just lazy, or maybe some of them were so expectant of Jesus’ immediate return that they figured there was no need to work. Maybe some of the leaders assumed that the common people should support them (that’s happened in history before). Whatever the reason, Paul challenges the believers not to be idle. “If a man will not work, he shall not eat.” Continue reading ‘garbage collector for Jesus’ »

holding on, being held

SCRIPTURE: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5


  1. Paul’s words reveal that his ultimate confidence is in the Lord, and not in people. He knows that the devil is strong, and that people can be very hurtful. But he also knows that his hope for success and survival is not his own wits or luck, but his dependence on God. Therefore… PRAY! Continue reading ‘holding on, being held’ »

dancing with God

SCRIPTURE: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17


  1. As he talks about the crises of the end of the age (which we know now does not come about for 2000 years after Paul wrote this), Paul keeps his message rooted and relevant to that time period. He is writing about the end times, his main purpose is to encourage these young believers to stand firm in their faith, no matter what happens. Continue reading ‘dancing with God’ »