are we ready?

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 16:16-18


  1. I never thought before today about how the teaching changed with John the Baptist. Before him we read that people heard about the laws of Moses and the prophets. Now they heard of the Good News about the Kingdom of God. Before they were told that some day a Messiah would come. Now the people heard the Messiah was coming soon. Their hearts were being prepared. Continue reading ‘are we ready?’ »

the dishonest manager

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 16:1-15


  1. This story of the dishonest manger shocking. It seems as if Jesus is commending dishonesty. Obviously we know that is not true as already in 10-13 Jesus talks about not trusting dishonest people…. Porter tells us “that a landowner on this scale will have given the stewardship to the man who promised him the highest income and whose payment would be the extra he would obtain. The dishonesty came in wasting his goods by forcing too much out of the estate. What the steward deleted was the extra he hoped to get for himself…The master commended the dishonest steward for his prudence. Faced by ruin he took energetic action to ward it off, it is his foresight and resourcefulness that are commended, not his dishonesty…in our steward ship for God let us be at least as whole-hearted and energetic as the steward in prosecuting his own interests. Continue reading ‘the dishonest manager’ »

band leader

For eight years I was privileged to lead the band/music program at Scugog Christian School. It was an amazing experience. I love music, and I loved the opportunity to to the kids (including my own) the joy and gift of music. Below are some YouTube videos of the last concert. In the song “Mission Impossible” the kids surprised me. Thanks to God, and all the students and staff at Scugog for this amazing opportunity! And thanks to Linda Wielinga for making these videos! Continue reading ‘band leader’ »

two sons

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:11-32


  1. Here is the third parable of Jesus’ response to the leaders complaining about Him spending time with undesirable people. This time there is more emphasis on the behaviour of the lost. This lost one chooses to go away, but he does repent and come back.
  2. The lost is a son, one of the heirs of a rich man. He dem Continue reading ‘two sons’ »


Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:1-10


  1. I wonder what it looks like when the angels rejoice? Explosions of colour like the most amazing fire works? Dancing – is it Celtic, graceful ballroom or ribbons in motion around maypoles? Do the angels sing all together like fans at British soccer games, cheering for their team? Perhaps they gather at a spectacular waterfall and dive or swoop, in and out having a splendid pool party! Continue reading ‘rejoicing’ »

accept the challenge

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:25-34


  1. Jesus turns to the crowd here and challenges them. If you are going to follow Him, Jesus has to be first in your life. You must love Him more than your parents or children or spouse or yourself. Whatever plan you have, whatever is most important to you, give it up, Jesus has to be first.  Continue reading ‘accept the challenge’ »

refusing a great banquet

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:15-24


  1. This passage immediately brought to mind that song entitled, The Wedding Banquet, written by the Medical Mission Sisters in the 60’s. It is a happy, catchy tune that we have enjoyed singing on many occasions. I think I will never want to sing it again. Because really, this parable is a very sad story, -it should be sung as a mournful dirge. Continue reading ‘refusing a great banquet’ »

crossroads experience

  1. Have you ever experienced a God-moment? A time when somehow, through some situation or experience, the Lord touches or challenges you deeply. The more aware we are of God, and of what is happening around us, the more we will experience this.
  2. God-moments are His way of getting our attention, either to reconnect us to Him, or to strengthen us in our relationship with Him. These holy moments are also moments of decision, a crossroads of sorts. We can either choose to welcome and receive what He is offering us, or we can close our hearts and refuse. Continue reading ‘crossroads experience’ »

unforgettable dinner party

Special thanks to Jill Hamming from PEI who is writing the devotionals on the readings from Luke (with help from L.E.Porter’s commentary on Luke).

SCRIPTURE: Luke 14:1-14


  1. Have you been to a dinner party where you know one of the guests is an unusual person? You wonder what he will do or say? Jesus lived up to His reputation here. He healed a man, answered a complaint before it was verbalized, told people they were sitting in the wrong places and suggested the host should change the guest list. Continue reading ‘unforgettable dinner party’ »