Exercising my authority!


What do you sense the Lord saying to you in this passage?

“The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” (Matthew 9:6)
‘Son of Man’ (Daniel 7:14) refers to God’s promised messiah (Genesis 3:15).
A human that will crush the serpent and reverse the curse.
A human that will release humans and restore God’s kingdom.
Sin will be forgiven, sickness healed, suffering ended!
Jesus is Adam (humanity) restored, and we are restored with him.
This means we can forgive, heal and help others too (John 20:21-23).
God has given such authority to us, but do we exercise it?
I long to see the broken healed, and those in bondage set free.
But I’ve never seen a paralyzed person take up their mat.
Still, I believe that Jesus does set us free, and will restore us.
We can pass on God’s grace, mercy, peace and love – in Jesus’s Name!
So like this man’s friends, I bring others to Jesus in prayer.
By faith I pray healing and forgiveness, and trust God to work.
By faith I trust that God has given such authority to us humans.
Lord Jesus, you not only have authority, you have authorized me as God’s agent of grace, mercy, peace and love. Use me to forgive, heal and help others!


  1. I believe that your words, presence & practical support can often go a long way to healing the physical too in many circumstances. Sometimes physical illnesses are exacerbated by attitudes and mindsets. Not always, but just some inspiration and some motivational words can encourage a person to start doing better in taking care of their own health, better self care; not giving up … sometimes that is all that’s needed to improving ones’ physical challenges. It doesn’t necessarily bring on the miracle that would be needed in most situations, but there is that power in your words too. So healing spiritual and social and emotional conditions can sometimes start healing the physical as well, sometimes, when it changes the mindset. And that’s a good thing …

    • Agreed. Though there are many ways to heal. We also heal hearts and minds with our words, our presence, our practical support. I do wish I could heal physical conditions, but we also can heal spiritual and social and emotional conditions… I want to do whatever I can!

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